i cannot play on normal servers. after anywhere from 10 seconds to 5 minutes i get disconnected and prompted with following response.
connection to your opponent has been lost.
the game is practically unplayable. i can only play on quick match and then im connected to someone half way across the world and get massive pings and play with lag.
Stats are still not tracking. even with the work arounds its not 100% everytime. and why the hell should we have to put up with workarounds. it should have worked from day one.
Still have a lot of hackers in game. i'm fully cloaked and 1/3 of the map away and they can instantly see me and get a head shot. hackers still full cloaked and spraying without decloaking.
if i could return the game and get my money back i believe i would be happier than this pathetic attempt to support and fix the game. gg crytek