Bugtracking system from Crytek?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:55 am

I would to ask players and the Crytek staff about something that I think might help us all.

Crytek: Is it possible for you to provide something like Trac or Mantis bug tracking system or any other which would give players the possibility to add a bug/error ticket and consult the problems in one particular ticket?

Here you can checkout how the Trac system active tickets list looks like: http://trac.edgewall.org/report/1
Here you can checkout how the Mantis system active issues list looks like: http://www.mantisbt.org/demo/view_all_bug_page.php

Does anybody share my opinion that something similar could help us?

I think both sides want only one thing: get the game fixed so the players can play and use 100% potential of what Crytek created and as for Crytek - I think maybe income could increase if the game would be finally fixed.

Now we have a situation in which there are tons of the forum posts and I doubt that Crytek can phisicly filter all the problems that are very important and real.

If we could all cooperate through similar bug tracking platform then maybe problems could be fixed faster? The navigation through bugs would be faster so there wouldnt be as much posts here as there should. People are now little bit in a rage state because they dont know when something will be patched or even will it be fixed.

And thats what Im missing mostly from Crytek: there is no information about what is currently being fixed, what will be fixed and what wont be fixed. I think simple forum is not enough for any of the sides. Whats frustrating most is that there are no dates, no schedule of things to be fixed.

Instead of maximum game we have maximum amount of problems and things that we players think that should be fixed and it would be very nice to hear from Crytek what will be fixed, what wont be fixed and when.

Ofcourse the Trac & Mantis is only my proposition - there are tons of other (maybe even better) similar scripts.

I wonder what are you thinking about something like that?
PS. Sorry for my english.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:00 am

It is good idea ... and they won't use it. There is no harddrive big enough to contain complete bug list for Crysis 2 :-)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:46 am

exactly... and the Crytek team is soo lazy, I mean, c'mon on what are they working? On a DLC?
They needed 2 weeks to fix only some bugs which only a few (!) people have, the majority have bigger issues and they don't fix them..
I don't believe they have more then 2 people working on the PC version :D
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:43 am

I will bump this thread untill someone from Crytek think about the proposed bugtracking system and write anything here.

I dont know why this situation is as it is. Guys maded Crysis 1 + Warhead - which were amazing and now what? I checked the threads in this forum and I dont know why but I have a feeling that Players know more about game development than Crytek. Very weird.

Edit: I recently saw this: http://crymod.com/ - and its good. It makes me think that one day, players will write patches for this game. Sick!
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