» Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:34 am
I can't see red very well. I am told that a lot of aiming at distance is on the red enemy name, not the player. Then folks shoot at the name. I don't like the name feature to begin with, but that is not the heart of my issue here. If the names are going to show up in the reticle, at least make it so that color blind folks have some alternative color options to choose from. Most color blind folks have challenges with red and green like myself.
With the bloom and general default game colors, I pretty much have to see players move to locate them. It's been tough. Once a fire fight begins, the dust and debris totally blind me. My fellow clan members tell me that in gunfights they often lock onto the red name which is present thru the muzzle flash, dust, etc. I simply can't see the red name and that seems unfair. I could see it if it was say... blue, or yellow etc. Red is one of the worst options for me.
A toggle for different color options on the enemy name would go a long way toward a more level playing field for me and others in my situation. I can tweak my monitor colors radically and get the names to show, but then the rest of the game is neon green and pink... which is repulsive to the average person. lol.
As an example, BFBC2 toggles to blue and bright greenish yellow options for player markers and names instead of the default colors. It is not perfect, but it sure helps.