Skill Assessments for Skill Kill, I should have the second half of that already cause it unlocked when I got to 38, played most of the day already and still won't unlock again. Achievements.....I have completed several of them today 3 times! Over and Over!
I have been to within 3000 EXP of level 39 and when I took a break it went back down to 8000 something, (I never even logged out and played on the "official" servers too) played again to 3000 something, now its back to 11000 something from level 39. Seems like when I leave a server, at the end of a match and go to another one for a different game, I go back to where I started from or close to it.
What the heck is going on with this game! I have all the time in the world to play, but it's getting old now. Come on Crysis programmers it can't be that hard to fix this so it works right.
If it's me and I'm doing something wrong please educate me so I can get to level 50 before I get to 50 years old.