Ok guys I love the idea to build a squad to take these damn cheaters out. If you want I will join you. I don't know if everyone calls me a pro but my stats are very positive and I'd play for over 25 hours. My best stats were 24:0 (without hacks or camp) but then the server crashed

But back to topic, I enjoy it to kill cheater because most of them have really no skill and just hide behind their hacks. It is funny if you kill them and to see how they become angry and crying in the chat. Sometimes I play with a friend who is very good too and we always kill cheaters when we see them. The biggest advantage is to play in a team and communicate over skype then they won't have any chance esspecially in assault or capter the relais.
I write and write... so if you need more members to hunt these idiots just add me my Ingame name is LastHopeForWorld
THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO KILL CHEATERS but cryteks updates would be helpful, too

Sorry for my english because I am German