has hacking, cheating and aim bots stopped since patch1.4?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:08 am

i wanted to see if anyone is still seeing hackers and aim bots since the patch 1.4. I've played a little since yesterday and i don't think I've seen any and ive been getting more kills so I'm guessing that means there are more legit players.
there was one guy that was getting some interesting scores but it wasn't 20-1 so i really can't say he was cheating cause some people are pretty good.
Anyway i just wanted to see if anyone had seen any cheating. post if you have and post some video links or something to show crytek proof.
Also i would like to know if the rumor is true that they've already hacked the player kick patch. if you've had any problems with kicking a cheater then post but try to give proof so that crytek doesn't think we are just blowing smoke up their ass.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:57 am

yea there are still hackers. they hacked the kick boot function, something to do with overloading something.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:00 am

yesterday I was having scores like that but they started to calling me cheater lol

cheaters ... well after the patch I still found many of them...
- shooting when they are cloaked. >.> ( this is sooo popular)
- In classic mode some guys are using armor and nanovision lol
- Aimbots .
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:47 am

yesterday I was having scores like that but they started to calling me cheater lol

cheaters ... well after the patch I still found many of them...
- shooting when they are cloaked. >.> ( this is sooo popular)
- In classic mode some guys are using armor and nanovision lol
- Aimbots .

i have only managed to see one aim bot guy. but yea you are right, there are a lot of cloak while shooting guys around.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:05 pm

you know its kinda funny to me now lookin back when i first bought this game and had no idea there were hackers. I've been playing MP FPS games like COD, unreal tournament 3 and bioshock 2 for years and i'm pretty good so to speak (i got good enough that when black ops came out i got 24 kills and 10 deaths in the very first round i played. i got the game at midnight when it was released, then i was getting high scores like that for about a week then got tired of the game cause it was so easy and i sold it back.). when i got this game and went online the first time i was thinking "damn this is the HARDEST MP game i've ever played!!" i couldn't get more than 2 kills and was getting killed every 10 seconds or less. i've never watched kill cams before cause i used to play on hardcoe mode so i wasn't really paying attention to it. i think i played for oh i dont know maybe an hour and got no where. it wasn't untill the next day when i came here to find some people to game with when i found out about all the cheating. seriously guys i was mind blown thinkin i lost my edge or something! DAMN CHEATERS!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:03 am

yesterday I was having scores like that but they started to calling me cheater lol

cheaters ... well after the patch I still found many of them...
- shooting when they are cloaked. >.> ( this is sooo popular)
- In classic mode some guys are using armor and nanovision lol
- Aimbots .

Holy ****
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:11 pm

by the way my name is different in the game and i dont know why but its doompacolypse. so if you guys want to team up or just play maybe we can just get big enough teams to fill up the server so no cheaters can come on. or maybe they've figured a way around that too i don't know. anyway if they fix this or if you guys want to play hit me up.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:57 am

The only thing you can really do is find a server with a active admin and hope he is on top of it. I have found a couple and while it doesnt stop cheaters altogether it helps and can keep the game manageable. Yes there are still a lot of them out there. Problem is leaks in crytek too. Some hack selling companies find ways around the anti cheat codes but a lot of times someone inside the company (crytek) is selling these hack sites the anti cheat codes so they can figure out how to by pass them.

Haven't you ever noticed games that update like once a week say like on a tuesday, that wednesday is pretty hack free but by thursday or friday they are back at full force. Because it only takes these programmers a couple days at most to work around the anti cheat programming.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:10 am

yesterday I was having scores like that but they started to calling me cheater lol

cheaters ... well after the patch I still found many of them...
- shooting when they are cloaked. >.> ( this is sooo popular)
- In classic mode some guys are using armor and nanovision lol
- Aimbots .

Thats an energy hack, depend on which mode youa re using, player can be cloaked 24/7, have godlike armor mode and use nanovision 24/7 combined with any of two previous modes. Funny part is that even with energy hacks armor mode doesn't reduce damage to 0 :3 So yea cheating kiddies die quite offten thinking that hacks make them unkillable
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KIng James
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:18 pm

buff the nanvision.........no more cloak cheaters
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:11 pm

well i was just playing and it seemed like there were no cheaters when the server only had 6 people playing in it. when it got full i dont know but i still have some learning to do on this game before i can really say they are cheating.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:17 am

Some of the cheaters and hackers I have run into the last few days are being a bit more discrete about it. Just something you get a "feel" for after a solid amount of play time in.

I hate to bail on a game but when somebody just starts raging and everyone goes down, it's just time to leave.

I have tried the votekick thing against a few players today but did not get enough votes. I don't think everyone knows how to use it yet, and the message stating Vote kick initiated doesn't stay up on the screen long enough sometime for everyone to see it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:44 am

There should be a spectate slot in this game
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:02 pm

Some of the cheaters and hackers I have run into the last few days are being a bit more discrete about it. Just something you get a "feel" for after a solid amount of play time in.

I hate to bail on a game but when somebody just starts raging and everyone goes down, it's just time to leave.

I have tried the votekick thing against a few players today but did not get enough votes. I don't think everyone knows how to use it yet, and the message stating Vote kick initiated doesn't stay up on the screen long enough sometime for everyone to see it.

These people can turn on or off a cheat with a single keystroke.

They also modify there energy levels, bullet damage and give there speed a slight buff. So you are left wondering what happened when you shot him out of cloak mode is he still able to run that fast when he's energy should be depleted?

Lag or ping has nothing to do with what these guys do.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 am

Kickbanned two people today for stealth-hack.
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KU Fint
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:25 am

I haven't seen any cheater since the patch
I guess they stopped playing, like most of the people did :))
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:07 am

I am seeing a definite decrease in the amount of cheaters/hackers which is very positive. Not sure if this is the new patch or the cheaters are getting bored ;)

Having said that I played this morning with some pathetic little loser calling himself {boomijustshotyou} or something similar. The little turd was playing in classic mode with super speed/power etc and single shot kills (a dead giveaway in classic mode). 25 kills and no deaths in less than two minutes every match and has the audacity to abuse anyone who hits him up about it.

But having said that he was the first really obvious hack I have seen for a while.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:15 am

It's not the blatant hackers that are the problem right now since they're so easy to spot you would have to be really hardheaded to not see that.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:57 am

i think crytek did amazing job with anti cheat fix. i never see any hacker or cheater because crytek ban them and stop them from using hack. this is great for multiplayer cuz u know every game u join everyone is playing fair and make for fun gameplay. this game is amazing and i am truly mind blow by the graphics thank u crytek
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:42 am

Do not go by a players "score" to accuse them of hacking, unless he happens to be 50/1 or something.. I see 15/1, 19/1, 20/1 all the time and they are not hacking.. you got to watch the player (if possible). I got score like that occassionally, best I've done is 18/1, but usually I'm more like 15/7, or 10/8, or 17/12, etc..

To answer you question though, like others have already... yes'um master, they'ze be hackzorz stillz aroundz!

Only one I've really noticed myself since patch 1.4 is the "cloak hack" (does not uncloak when emptying an entire clip into you) .. as far as I know, one shot with most unsilenced guns make you uncloak and you may get 2 or 3 with a silenced weapon, then you uncloak. This guy was walking around with a "mounted weapon" blasting away and never came uncloaked! LOL?

Personally, I still do not understand why players hack.. is it just for the purpose of pissing people off, or do they really think we are stupid and can't tell? Maybe they want to hack just long enough to get a "high rank" then quit? I mean wtfzor .. it takes the "fun / competition" out of the game, so I do not see the point...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:38 am

I don't think the score is the problem.

These kind of cheaters play the game and still svck even with all these modified advantages so most of the time you will see more of them with low scores. But they're still cheating.

And most of the veterans in this game would be able to tell them from the legitimate players and I really notice a lot of them. I've played really good legitimate players that would totally own some hackers as well but I have been seeing a lot more of these cheating deniers more and more.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:56 pm

Wall hacking level 50s, Aimbotting level 10s, cloaked shooters, I use like 7 different servers and they still find their way into the middle of a game on every single one of those servers to go from 0 to 25 kills in like 2 minutes flat. I really love the game, but obviously Crytek's game engine is too transparent. There is still hackers in Crysis 1, There will still be hackers in Crysis 2 in 5 years. And I guarantee you that there will be hackers in Crysis 3 and 4 and 5, for that matter. Clearly their system doesn't work. Because it depends too much on exact hack code. Every 5 minutes a new hack is made to do exactly the same thing as the hack that just got wiped like 3 minutes earlier. And obviously Crytek ain't working 24/7 to fix this. So hacks can go from 16 hours to 3 days active before they get discovered, put through testing and abolished. Fact.

This gives the low life time to get to level 50 and kill 1000s of people in one night, while we struggle to get away from the Aim Assisted console players.

Punishments for hackers are not severe enough. Because they still payed their 60 bucks to play the game.. It's not Zero Tolerance, because if it was, no one could change anything on the game, and that, ladies and gentlemen, with the right setup and using the proper resources, is possible in the year 2011. But it cost too much. So here we are. And here I go.
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:02 am

i think crytek did amazing job with anti cheat fix. i never see any hacker or cheater because crytek ban them and stop them from using hack. this is great for multiplayer cuz u know every game u join everyone is playing fair and make for fun gameplay. this game is amazing and i am truly mind blow by the graphics thank u crytek

Ummm.. are you blind? Do you play using a braille monitor? "Never see any hacker or cheater" ... you must not play to much, or either can't spot cheaters. Cause they are surely out there...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:47 am

i think crytek did amazing job with anti cheat fix. i never see any hacker or cheater because crytek ban them and stop them from using hack. this is great for multiplayer cuz u know every game u join everyone is playing fair and make for fun gameplay. this game is amazing and i am truly mind blow by the graphics thank u crytek

Ummm.. are you blind? Do you play using a braille monitor? "Never see any hacker or cheater" ... you must not play to much, or either can't spot cheaters. Cause they are surely out there...

You should know biebers a positive troll here in the forums.
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