Issue number 1
Although this is a relatively minor one it is very wrong.
Lack of promo content. This is pretty straight forward although I think also illegal. Promising a product or service in return for payment and then not delivering on it, if that is legal it shouldn't be.
I mean it's been months now. It's crazy, how hard can it be?
Issue: 2
The hacking. It's a bad joke on the servers. It happens 4 times a day here and we can't expect the companies who host the servers to have admins on them 24/7.
There must some sort of "" because the hackers are running riot and having a ball and of course the voting system doesn't help at all, but I'll get to that next.
I mean it IS NOT fun when someone stands on the top of skyline and head shots you from across the map because 1 pixel of your head was in his FOV. Better yet, it's a lot of fun when they sit in walls and through them and kill everyone but of course we can't touch them because they litterally have a wall protecting them. I'm not going to mention the consistant invisibility.
Issue: 3
Votekick system. Possibly one of the most retarded versions of voting or votekicking I have seen in a while. Granted an improvement over crysis 1 but still stupid. Let me explain.
There are a handfull of Crysis 2 MP players who know how votekicking works. So when a hacker comes on and there is no admin these people initiate a vote. 2 people vote and the rest carrying on playing oblivous to either the vote or how to do it. Thus we end up spending the rest of the map, in vain, trying to explain to the people HOW TO BLOODY WELL VOTE. Because at this point in the game the hacker has a score of 67 kills and 1 death and everyone is complaining.
Why can't you just make it simple and when someone starts a vote a little box pops up saying "Press '1' to vote yes or press '2' to vote no"
It's a real shame to tell you the truth. Crysis 2 had the potential to be an amazing all round game. Great SP and to my mind the closest thing to a cod killer. But it seems like everything was rushed. I bet Crytek are working harder on dlc and extra content for us to buy than fixing all these issues.
To me the MP part of Crysis 2 is a joke. The hackers I can understand, I mean thats generally stuff you can't forsee but thats why you bring out patches. Apparently yours did nothing.
This all feels so unfinished. The big picture looks amazing but you've left just too many gaping holes in it...