so here are the controls

All you need to know is that right trigger MAKES **** DIE AND EXPLODE - rest is taken care off by auto aim.
it's quite simple actually and there is a big cookie cutter which you are to use.
lets start with the singleplayer - as this is where you have the most choice which mediocracy you will dive head
first in. The choices are:
A. Glorious US marine vanquishing terrorists in iraq/iran/middle east/islamaterritory
B. Glorious US marine/special forces/jet pilot/american with a GUN slaughtering russians in russia or sourrounding
terriotries because they looked at you funny.
you will be glad to know that whichever choice you decided to go with the game is pretty much the same - except the
different settings - hmm let me guess desert and snow covered mountains in mother russia... right track?
singleplayer will however not be the focus of your mission to dominate the market. basic idea you need to floow is
1. Tutorial to teach idiots which end of the gun makes metal fly at high speed
2. Telling them that enemies wear slightly different hat/turbans/skimasks than friendlies
3. Telling granades EXPLODE and KILL and you might want to RUN AWAY if you see one
4. First mission: squad gets sent on patrol to: middleEasternAsia/easternEuropeanAsia on a patrol that
(supprisingly) goes tiks up and some of your squadmates DIE - oh no i was just begging to enjoy their useful
mumbling "frag out" "stop shooting me" "shoot the guys trying to kill you".
5. Show us a baddy that is not the leader of the actual government - oh no we wouldn't be wanting to assassinate
Mr. Putin - but shooting up a Russian Airport is perfectly fine! THE MORE CONTROVERSY THE BETTER! But remember!
slaughteiring the entire airport full of civilians is OK but murdering people with leadpipes is NOT!
As long as you can "ignore the shooting and watch NPCs do it for you" the nobmunchers at BBFC and PEGI will stay
away - hopefully
6. Make the baddy even worse by showing him either eating children/molesting elderly nuns/bestiality or all of the
7. story progresses and you kill the evil enemy boss in the most patriotic of styles and the game ends with the
entire US arsenal showed off to you - USA #1
Now that the joke of a campaign is over we are going to the money making machine that i have decided to cleverly
call the "multiplayer". hehehhe more like the multiPAYER biches!
First of all make sure that all the levels are taken away from the campaign - but ripped off and stripped down to
make them "online" friendly. After that add some guns - by some i mean something around 50 to keep people wanting
to unlock... To follow the RPG grind add about 100 meaningless levels at which you will unlock so called upgrades -
or as they are commonly know as "perks"... These magical abilities might aswell have been taken from bioshock or
any other game that uses RPGesq player enchancement - minus the needles ofcourse - that will make the character
magically aim down sights slightly bit faster without hitting his eyeball on the big ass scope or reload at twice
the speed which seems as if characters arms and the gun managed to drop into a time warp zone where time flows
faster and yet his arms don't age... HMM... Fear not it sounds GOOD and FUN so far!
Now... Now imclude a bunch of staple game modes - Team Deathmatch and Deathamtch and 1 Life plant the bomb if you
**** up and die tough luck mode and control areas on map and test your granade survival skills... Yes all those
classics. Now mind you your target audience is slightly more hyperactive than a thirteen year old ADHD kid on
cocaine - this means that if 30 seconds pass without a gun being fired or an entire **** street being blow sky
high by a strafing or run or hell even the whole damn city getting nuked - that will do.
Remember one thing that ADHD dosen't like is patients... or otherwise known as STEALTH. If this statement were true
then we would all be playing Theif XXVI or Hitman: The shapeshifter. Fact is people like to blow **** up and kill
others - and they do not like to get out of their comfort zone. Remember the game must be easily picked up so even
if you have the reflexes of a retarded stroke patiet you can still have FUN. Your game must ofcourse be based
around the aspect of fun and not let's say hmm blowing **** up and gridning till you get the next shiny toy...
Ever wondered how Blizzard is now king of the world and probably has enopugh money to buy Canada and Alaska? Yeah
the grindfest i like to call the "second job" that is if you have a job. The games makes you play untill you
literally fall asleep - no not fore boredom you lad - but from the sheer exhaustion as you will be playing it 36
hours straight untill you pass out. Then once you wake up you realise how much time you wasted sleeping and that
you have the next raid in oh **** 5 minutes... Ahem anyhow what was i talking about? Ah yes the medicrocy of today
that people like to call the FPS gaming. I mean how to create the next billion maker.
But the MultiPAYER isn't where the game stops! NO. with the game realse one map where you and 3 other players are
being attacked by zombies. I mean there is nothing more original. Only like 500 games made that in the past decade.
Now the next big step to making few hundreds of millions of extra cash is the DLC - yes your best friend - or
rather NOT. Remember to relase atleast one DLC at a healthy price or strive for something close to THREE - each at
£12.00 respectively - each promision more exciting maps and THATS IT - oh but excitement galore.
Now that you made your game and gave it to some spastic chimpanzees from Q&A to test ask your big parent company
for a comple of millions of dollars to give to GameSpot and IGN to write 100% reviews even without the reviewer
playing the damn game. Sorted now that you have reviews mmorpg aspect and DLC money grabbing you win.
But wait your ultimate goal is still far away in the distance - well not the one having a higher revenue than the
ENTIRE **** AFRICA - the one that you want to beat Blizzard - unless you have already been bought by them!
So what's the next step i hear you ask? Well quite simple!
If setting for your first **** was in middleEasterAsia then switch to to easterEuropAsia.
Now add a load of **** and copy and paste the same mecanics and you are golden now that you have a retarded fanbase
following you that will make their parenty spent all of your college fund of DLC's and the bloody £40 game.
This is what the gaming industry is coming to - well or atleast this is what it will be soon once they get their
heads out of their arses and focus on MAKING MONEY instead of MAKING FRIENDS. Sad thing is there is no way to beat
the cancer that people like to call Call of Duty. Yes there are those like me and you who go on forums and write
massive paragraphs about how the developers hate them and not care about their customers - but for every one of us
- the people that actually give a crap about the game instead of mindlessly playing it untill our thumbs fall off -
there is about 250 mindwashed **** who can't seem to care that EVERY ENEMY IN THE GAME FOLLOWS THE EXACTLY SAME
DRESS CODE to that dark patch of low texture dirt on their right leg of their trousers just under their knee cap.
And yes PC gamers are going to become more alienated as all the big squel spewing compaines cough EA Activision
Eidos Ubisoft and the rest (yes my comma key is BROKEN >:d ). We can only honestly only hope the indie developers
will create something worth playing that might not even show up on our radar that has been picking up nothing but
**** for best part of well since gaming became "cool" and "sociable" and CONSOLES >:(
So my main point is... We're waiting for Valve to get off their arse - make Episode 3 and CounterStrike 2.0 and MAKE A NEW ENGINE