What "server filtering options" do most of you use?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:07 am

At first I was using "Ping = 100ms" and "North America" .. but I would only find around 250 servers, of which "maybe" 10 to 20 had players in them.

Then I used "Ping = 200ms" and "North America" .. then I found around 300 servers, of which only 10 to 25 had players in them.

So now I'm using "North America" .. everything else is "unfiltered" ... still though, I find about 350 +/- servers, and still only about 10% (30 +/-) have players in them.. I have seen a few more servers occupied since the patch came out, however I feel the numbers of servers with players in them are still relatively LOW...

So I wanted to know what others are doing on their "Filtering" options? Do most of you leave the "Location Unfiltered" as well? Cause when I have "Location = North America" it filters out about 1200+ servers. I would think that US players connecting to UK servers (or other locations) would lag some (or alot?).

I'm just tired to having to "look" for good servers to connect to, I feel they should be "easy to find" and have plenty of players online. Either my "filtering options" are not working correctly, or this game is still pretty dead for multiplayer game play (US Servers)?

How many "US Servers" do you guys find if your "Location is North America" and everything else is "Unfiltered"?
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luis dejesus
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:32 pm

Ping not no matter cuz of server ping bug that says most server 1000 ping. server taht say high ping in menu isnt same in game cuz i join 1000ping server all time but in game it says less than 100 or 50, haha u only join server with menu ping low?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:39 pm

Game type = Any
Game Mod = Standard
Map = All
Ping = Any
Server reg = North America
Check mark in Ranked
X in Password protect
X in Full
X in Empty

I usually get 10-15 with openings and I refresh if i find too many Hackers on my list. I can go into a game that says 250 ping and I usually get 75 ping or so. mostly I see pings of 109 and it varies from 32 on up on the ping.

It filters about 1400 to 1600 servers on average I would say.
I tried to post a screenshot but could not get it to do for some reason. Guess I haven't figured that out yet!
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:18 am

Hide all empty and full servers
And sort servers by ping (nowadays there's hardly any Australian servers, and Crysis 2 barely lags on foreign servers anyway which is great)
If I feel like playing a certain game mode or map I'll set that filter too
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:18 am

Hide empty servers and sort by ping with no region filter (as some Aus servers don't have their region set), if I don't see any then I reverse the ping sorting and check for 1000ms ping local servers (which actually have perfectly fine ping). If I find a full server then I just use the 'Info' button on it which opens a new window that has an up-to-date player count and I keep opening and closing that until there's a gap.

I also play on populated Asian servers if there aren't any Aus ones because for me they're still sub 200ms ping, which is playable.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:48 am

Game type = Any
Game Mod = Standard
Map = All
Ping = Any
Server reg = Any
Check mark in Ranked
X in Password protect
X in Full
X in Empty

I find about 80 servers, but there are more than 1000 filtered.
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:15 am

Yeah, I see "alot" of filtered servers, about 1000+ here too. I figured there was a ping bug, cause the lowest ping it always shows in the "server list" is 93 ms, when I join them though my ping is anywhere from 12 ms to 50 ms. I was still filtering the pings though because I figured the bug was "visual" (what I was seeing), but that it would still find servers that meet my filtering selections.

Regardless, I have ping set to default settings as well as all the other filtering options, except location = north america. I was just curious to why so many empty servers though, cause there are alot of empties...
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:29 pm

Just as an info: Servers which display ping "1000ms" actually have low ping, so switching ping in search to "ANY" give more servers which are playable.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:18 pm

I dont use any any more. A long time ago I found about 15 that had good ping and somewhat active admins and favorite listed them. Usually 3 to 5 of those have people in them but even the empty ones will fill up fairly quickly if I just go in so it is at least populated.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:32 am

Europe, not full nor empty, ranked, standard.
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:39 am

I use

-'x' in full
-'x' in empty

and on the server list I set it to organise by most to least players (clicking the heading players so the bar is at the top). then I just browse the top ~30 servers for ones that I find appropriate (usually meaning "standard", ranked and official)

I tend to find a lot of the .de servers, which are german? (though they seem to play fine and tend to be the most populated). occasionally I see a server called 'US branzone___' which tends to be good but not populated as often. My server of preference is any of the GameArena australian servers; seeing as I am Australian (though when I do see one it is usually full - they also seem to be appearing less).

I tend to ignore ping as the ping display tends to be glitched for me.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:28 am

Europe, not full or empty, Ranked.

I prefer to play on 12 player servers. Often the only 12 players servers are full so I will untick [empty] to find a 12 player server with a good map/game mode and enter that to kick start a game. However, so far, no one has ever joined a server that I have been sitting in - even if I stay in there for an hour or so.

Last night I helped to populate another forum users server and we found that the server browser was still showing their server as empty despite there being 2 people waiting in it. Anyone else experience this issue?
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