Activating Armor while in Stealth to conserve energy?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:35 am

I've used this tactic in the SP part of the game, it works beautifully. This way I can maintain my Energy and not waste it all when shooting out of cloak.

Problem is... It doesn't seem to work in MP?
Can anyone please shed some light on the matter?
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:27 am

It sounds like a glitch in the game?
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:34 am

Activating Armor while in Stealth? That's something new!
As WE know you can activate only stealth or only armor. Both are consuming energy. How do you activate armor from the cloak? Oo
And as in multiplayer there is situation. When you cloak, and you need to maintain your energy by not waisting it all, you need to uncloak firstly or switch to armor and only then shoot.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:05 pm

It looks as I've been misunderstood.
Please allow me to re-phrase.

Of course only 1 mode is avalailbe at any given moment.
When cloaked, you shoot, and then all your energy is being consumed.
What I did in SP, is pressing Q (thus, activating armor) before I started shooting when cloaked, meaning - I switched from Stealth to Armor, and then started shooting - my Energy wouldn't drop to 0 this way.

It doesn't work in MP though...

Is my question clear now guys?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:50 pm

Yes...But I don't know why that method didn't works for you.
"What I did in SP, is pressing Q (thus, activating armor) before I started shooting when cloaked, meaning - I switched from Stealth to Armor, and then started shooting - my Energy wouldn't drop to 0 this way."
I've using it from time to time and it's alright with that. That is the second way to maintain energy, other is switching off cloak mode. And third, but longer is switching off cloak and switch on armor. 3 ways to save last energy.
Maybe you have ping problem and that's why your game does not have time to switch between modes?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:56 am

In MP, if I switch to Armor while Cloak and start shooting my Energy drop to zero. In MP that tactic works perfect. Maybe it is a some bug?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:33 am

Yes...But I don't know why that method didn't works for you.
"What I did in SP, is pressing Q (thus, activating armor) before I started shooting when cloaked, meaning - I switched from Stealth to Armor, and then started shooting - my Energy wouldn't drop to 0 this way."
I've using it from time to time and it's alright with that. That is the second way to maintain energy, other is switching off cloak mode. And third, but longer is switching off cloak and switch on armor. 3 ways to save last energy.
Maybe you have ping problem and that's why your game does not have time to switch between modes?

I usually have about 120 ping to servers (german servers) so I don't think this is way...
I think I should give it another shot, and make sure that I do not shoot too quickly before the transition from Cloak to Armor is complete...
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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:09 pm

Switching into armor from cloak does work in mp.
But its pretty anoying u cant activate armor while shooting like in the demo....
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:53 am

I think I should give it another shot, and make sure that I do not shoot too quickly before the transition from Cloak to Armor is complete...
You can do it by the third way. Longer if you wanna. Switch cloak off, switch on armor. 2 buttons, then fire, instead of doing it in 1 button, if you think that you are doing the process too fast.
OH! I'm using Stealth Enhance to go out and in the cloak faster, so maybe that's why I can push only one button, and process of getting out(and in) of the cloak is faster than without it.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:54 am

If you want to uncloack or switch to armor+fire, use Stealth Enhance. If you don't, when you uncloack/switch to armor, you HAVE TO WAIT about half a second for the TRANSITION between cloack and armor. You have to do the same if only uncloack, but I think the time needed for the stealth to disengage is slightly higher...1 second maybe, not sure.

You said in SP works. Yes it does, and I bet you used Stealth Enhance, which gives you faster transition in and out of stealth mode, almost instantaneous.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:20 am

If you want to uncloack or switch to armor+fire, use Stealth Enhance. If you don't, when you uncloack/switch to armor, you HAVE TO WAIT about half a second for the TRANSITION between cloack and armor. You have to do the same if only uncloack, but I think the time needed for the stealth to disengage is slightly higher...1 second maybe, not sure.

You said in SP works. Yes it does, and I bet you used Stealth Enhance, which gives you faster transition in and out of stealth mode, almost instantaneous.
This ++++++ 10

To OP: The transition in MP can be maybe .5-1 seg no more than that but if you want to switch immediately and fire your energy will drop to zero. You will know the time needed to wait with practice. It's a very short cooldown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:41 am

Thanks everyone that answered me in this thred. I appreciate your assistance as well as tips.

See you online guys.
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