What is solo?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:27 am

I saw solo servers with more than 2 players so I'm not quite sure what it is
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:03 am

You're not alone.

I have no idea what any of the modes are. Solo, Pro etc.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:38 am

Pro has no HUD
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:20 am

In solo you can't play matches with your friends.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:17 am

PRO - no HUD, 50% health and no kill-cam

SOLO - no parties or squads allowed
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:38 am

50% health on pro?
Are you sure about that? I havent noticed me dying easily on it, nor other players.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:52 am

50% health on pro?
Are you sure about that? I havent noticed me dying easily on it, nor other players.

I actually did and was wondering wtf was going on. Thanks for explaining what solo is, had no idea.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:49 am

I noticed the 50% health easily, especially when I tried running around with either a Hammer or Majestic out (2 and 1 shotting people at close range respectively).

Also, you can click the 'Info' button at the bottom of the browser to show info on the server (players list as well as all the game modifiers).
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:15 am

I'm getting confused over what "Pro" actually means.

Explain, how is less health better for the more skilled ones?
Less health means that less skilled players would be able to spray-kill easier, while more means that the most accurate wins.

So if we build up a list over the things that could make things better, and what things there are, all while listing the good/bad things about it.
It would look like this.

    50% Health

    + Faster reflexes are a plus.
    - Weapons are usually monotone, FELINEs would dominate pretty badly. Shotguns are out. Monotone, not good.
    - Fights would barely last a couple of seconds, another minus.
    - Armor/Power is basically suicide, monotonous gameplay is a minus, am I not right?
    ? Higher Kill/Death ratios mean that the player is, most likely - pretty good. +/-/?
    ? Camping isn't that fun, but rather needed if you are not to die constantly. For me, that's a minus. +/-
    - Good shooting not necessary to be successful.

    A good thing would be, let's say - 33.33% Faster movement speed, and no sprint canceling.

    200% Health

    + Good shooting means a bigger chance of survival, as spraying is useless when everything takes twice the amount of shots.
    + Power actually becomes realistic, Armor may be just that bit overpowered.. Heh.
    ? Fights, if not face-to-face - could last a good bit of time. Plus/Minus depending on player patience.
    ? (Slightly) More weapon variety, as everything doesn't kill in two shots. Shotguns are actually useful, whoah.
    The K-Volt would mostly be a support weapon, as it's too weak. And just a general change of direction. +/-
    ? Camping wouldn't be that effective, as pretty much anyone has a chance of retaliating.
    (Against 50%-HP instant-death.)
    Roaming is more applicable. +/-/?

    A slow, yet constant health regeneration would make a good thing. And it would make nano recharge useful.
    33.33% Faster movement speed would be good too, for the elusive players.
    No changes in armor-mode speed though, as it would be powerful as-is already.

    No refunds, thanks.

And hm, that was slightly obvious. But yet confusing, they really should make a 'Help' button on the server browser.
Just to clarify such things beforehand, as "Solo" could be a lot of things.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:41 am

Pro is like "hardcoe" in Call of Duty or BFBC2.
Solo is (like already mentioned) for non squad members.
Classic is non nanosuit gameplay. You're just a marine/cell soldier.

The other modes are pretty easy to understand
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:56 am

I'm getting confused over what "Pro" actually means.

Explain, how is less health better for the more skilled ones?
Less health means that less skilled players would be able to spray-kill easier, while more means that the most accurate wins.

So if we build up a list over the things that could make things better, and what things there are, all while listing the good/bad things about it.
It would look like this.

    50% Health

    + Faster reflexes are a plus.
    - Weapons are usually monotone, FELINEs would dominate pretty badly. Shotguns are out. Monotone, not good.
    - Fights would barely last a couple of seconds, another minus.
    - Armor/Power is basically suicide, monotonous gameplay is a minus, am I not right?
    ? Higher Kill/Death ratios mean that the player is, most likely - pretty good. +/-/?
    ? Camping isn't that fun, but rather needed if you are not to die constantly. For me, that's a minus. +/-
    - Good shooting not necessary to be successful.

    A good thing would be, let's say - 33.33% Faster movement speed, and no sprint canceling.

    200% Health

    + Good shooting means a bigger chance of survival, as spraying is useless when everything takes twice the amount of shots.
    + Power actually becomes realistic, Armor may be just that bit overpowered.. Heh.
    ? Fights, if not face-to-face - could last a good bit of time. Plus/Minus depending on player patience.
    ? (Slightly) More weapon variety, as everything doesn't kill in two shots. Shotguns are actually useful, whoah.
    The K-Volt would mostly be a support weapon, as it's too weak. And just a general change of direction. +/-
    ? Camping wouldn't be that effective, as pretty much anyone has a chance of retaliating.
    (Against 50%-HP instant-death.)
    Roaming is more applicable. +/-/?

    A slow, yet constant health regeneration would make a good thing. And it would make nano recharge useful.
    33.33% Faster movement speed would be good too, for the elusive players.
    No changes in armor-mode speed though, as it would be powerful as-is already.

    No refunds, thanks.

And hm, that was slightly obvious. But yet confusing, they really should make a 'Help' button on the server browser.
Just to clarify such things beforehand, as "Solo" could be a lot of things.

Well, to be honest, Pro mode feels like a different game altogether, not necessarily that bad. It's not that unbalanced, Feline works very well but it doesn't "dominate," simply because EVERYTHING kills in several hits. People say that arguably the K-Volt is perhaps the crappiest gun. Although that may be true in normal game modes, the K-Volt seems to work just as well as any other gun, and in most cases it's actually the best gun in Pro mode.
Stealth is the most important thing in Pro mode, obviously, so usually fights are at close range (although depends on the map too), it would be a fight between 2 guys who are in cloak, and whoever is able to decloak faster and shoot the other guy wins. The K-Volt takes out all their energy in seemingly 1 hit if they were still in cloak, and in that situation the K-Volt seems to kill retardedly fast. Works really well if you have good reactions.

But yeah, Pro mode is basically all about spotting people first and good reactions. Aim is kinda important because it's about spotting people fast and aligning your sights to your target asap, just not sustained aim because everyone dies within half a second.
Another good thing about Pro mode is it kind of eliminates some people's 1000 ping advantage, because even if a few shots don't register, as long as 1 or 2 bullets hit they should still be dead. I have way less problems against nubs that join games that give them insanely high ping to try to screw people over.

I'm not so sure about 200% health, though. It's true that for the most part it takes more skill, how well someone is able to sustain their aim on a strafing target, etc. However, that'd just make the SCAR even more imba, considering that it has like the highest DPS and insane accuracy. It's going to take other guns a whole clip to kill someone with full hp & energy in armor mode, while it's only going to take the SCAR around half a clip. The only way to win against a SCAR would be to sneak up on them, which isn't an easy thing to do if they're good at spotting.
And of course you're going to cry if there's a guy running around with 200-1000 ping. He will probably eat your whole clip like it's nothing, and you're just going to screw yourself over.

I don't know, 200% hp could be fun, but they'd at least have to nerf the SCAR a bit and PUT PING RESTRICTIONS ON THE GOD DAMNED SERVERS.
I like how other games usually tolerate people with below 200 ping, and kick anything higher... Whereas in this game you have nubs who like the lag advantage which seemingly allows them to tank a lot more bullets, it's annoying as fug, seriously.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:46 am

Pro has no HUD
Aww..when I played that mode I thought I was bugged xD
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Ashley Hill
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