MP Server side ping restrictions

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:49 pm

Hey Crytek,

Is it possible to implement some sort of server-side ping restrictions for players? I mention this because I've noticed that in a fair amount of the games I've played online I'm seeing people who have pings in the 300ms range and, frankly, it ruins the gameplay. There needs to be some sort of ping limit settings in place to ensure that when playing a MP match the players are all on the same playing field in terms of connectivity. I'm sure that since you guys are probably up to your eyes in bugfix requests, but I and countless other gamers would no doubt really like to see this happen.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:45 am

How can you tell the ping of other players? What happens to players who have bought the game and their only choices are high ping servers?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:55 am

The ping of other players is normally shown on the score sheet that you can pull up by pressing the tab key in-match. Also, if they can only get to high ping servers, then I would have to say that is their problem. To which, I would highly suggest that they do some simple network diagnostics. If that doesn't improve matters for them then i would suggest finding a more robust ISP to use. Ruining the gameplay of others because you have an inadequate connection isn't very fair for either end. It svcks for the guy with low ping because every once in a while the server is stupid and lets someone with a high ping get in a hit that shouldn't have happened. It svcks for the guy with a high ping because they're always getting gunned down without really having a chance to react... it doesn't seem like it but, 300 milliseconds is a lifetime when you're talking about an FPS game. So, to be fair to both sides restrict pings to no more than 150 ms from server. anything higher and you're going to have a fair bit of lag to deal with.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:50 am

How can you tell the ping of other players? What happens to players who have bought the game and their only choices are high ping servers?

They can rent a server in their own continent.

What pisses me off is on the european servers you always get some russians with about 500 ms ping (half a second), these guys must be playing from the other side of russia where they might as well join the US west coast servers and the game always seems to register the major laggers better than those with minimal ping.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:19 pm

more than 150 ping and that will be "laggy" game. That will be a "very LAGGY" game with a very big ping.

Only playing on those where ping < 150.
Sometimes played on 300, but it's maximum for enjoyable play. Delays is noticeable for eyes but not so tough as behind 400-450-...
Human average time reaction on a visible signal is 0.1-0.3 seconds.

That's why for enjoyable play, ping, for both sides(server\players) must be in interval from 0 to, roughly speaking, 350-400 ms.

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Marquis deVille
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:49 am

I have compassion for the people who have no other choice.
I recently upgraded my PC befor I also had this problem in BFBC2.

but now? OK I accept their problem if they have no other choice.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:09 am

They can rent a server in their own continent.

That only works if they have the money to do so and some ,frankly, don't.

What pisses me off is on the european servers you always get some russians with about 500 ms ping (half a second), these guys must be playing from the other side of russia where they might as well join the US west coast servers and the game always seems to register the major laggers better than those with minimal ping.

TBH... I've played on some UK servers (I'm from Texas,US) and had higher (150ms or less) pings but an overall playable experience. I would also say though that the server needs to prioritize the input from players that comes in first because, well, first come first served. Also, unless you can confirm the person's from Russia I'd just assume they're on a less than optimal connection. After all, There are some places where dial-up is still the standard for internet access. Oh, in case those of you didn't know, you can set region and ping filters in the game browser, but my personal rule of thumb is simple... if the server's ping is higher than 125, don't play on it.
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:29 pm

In a bit of total buffoonery, I completely forgot to read the sticky about patch requests... as such Crytek has already seen to this issue. However, I'd like to take the opportunity to ask those of you who've posted in this thread to spread the word on the "maxping" console variable added in 1.4 to anyone who you know is the admin of a Crysis 2 PC server. Hopefully, we can spread the word and make the multiplayer aspects of Crysis 2 even better than they already are.
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:37 am

Living where I do, the lowest ping I am able to get is 110. The next closest is 125. Problem with these though is that they are rarely populated, so who to play with?
Since I have learnt about this being a problem for other users, I have tried to pick the lowest ping servers that actually have people playing on them.
If they are empty though, I am going to be looking for a game somewhere else, as would everyone else.
At the moment I am trying to stick to servers that are sub 400. Managed to get a couple of games on an Aussie server too, which wasn't too bad.
FYI, my internet connection is 8Mb down and 1Mb up.

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jenny goodwin
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:21 pm

Living where I do, the lowest ping I am able to get is 110. The next closest is 125.
Having 7 Mb down and 7 Mb up. The Moscow servers that's not far from me having ping not less than 80-100. That is MOSCOW! I don't found server yet that will be with ping below 80-100.
US server that I'm playing on, what I has on them is 89-129 ping, and not only on them, also on FR and some other servers.( there enough servers on which my ping in that interval(89-129))
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