This game is getting more and more frustrating. After countles connection to the host failed ore connection lost and more of this crap, its very hard to get ingame lately. Imagine its very difficult to gain your update's. Well after a long long time i finaly achieve to get some LVL II and III update's. What a relief was my first impression, well that was for a short peroid. Cause now im getting constantly banned from servers cause they think i am cheating, LOL. It took me 500 hits and recharge to finaly get nano recharge LVL II, so i can get a faster upload of my energy. Then after 350 kills i finaly gotten aim enhance lvl III what give's you increased mobility when aiming. Well since i had this update, people suspect me of cheating and so this update only get's me banned. WTF people???. What is the use of these update's really?. It's hard to even get ingame, and now when you finaly ingame you get banned for achieving lvl III update's!. I know this game aint flawless, but this doesn't make any sence at all...
your best solution is to play on official ea servers
tbh i cant disagree on server admins to ban people they ofc ban legit players but as long crytek dont give us a working anticheat system then we have to sometimes ban certain people cheaters are also starting to play on a way its harder to see if they cheat.
i dont say you cheat but some server admins dont trust anyone anymore.
if crytek dont implent a decent working system then alot more legit players will be banned
its up to you crytek!