Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:17 am

Hi guys, in was doing some sli nanovision flicker troubleshooting and I came across something that helps the flicker rate of the colors. We are now able to change settings via console while in game so I tried many different sys_maxfps values while in nanovision. Each value has a different flicker rate, including vsync. the best value for me ended up being 58. I still have some flicker but it's not nearly as extreme as 150. Those with SLI test out different values to see what reduces the flicker most for u.

So the question I have is... Since I have lowered my fps, how will that effect the amount of packets sent to the server in multiplayer? Is there a multiplier command like there was in black ops? (SNAPS it was called and increasing it's value from 20 to 30 made a world of difference) My nano flicker rate is so much better now, but IF I'm not able to send enough packets to server the hit detection overall will be even worse. I haven't done much testing in this aspect yet so I'm asking u guys about it.

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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:56 pm

So far it doesn't seem to effect multiplayer that much as far as packets. It doesn't feel quite as smooth obviously being only 59fps (actual value when set to 58) but the clearer nanovision makes game much better! I've been kickin ass these last dozen rounds or so! >:-) 28 -3 ftw
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:37 am

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Michael Russ
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