Massiv lags during mp sessions

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:06 am

I still have big problems during some mp sessions. Massive lags are occuring. All other players freeze but i can still move around. During that time (up to 10 sec) i'm not able to kill anyone and at the end i end up dead. This happens in round about every 5th game. My internet connection is fine, works with all other games like cod mw2 or bfbc2. Although i forwarded all ports from the support file and have upnp enabled my nat type is still moderate. Could this be the problem? I mostly play on german servers, because i life there. My ping is normaly around 10 to 50 while playing. Please help me, cause this is really driving me nuts!!
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SWagg KId
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:05 am

This happens to everyone. Usually someone with a high ping comes in a lags the server down bad. Then the server freezes ( this is where you can walk around and everyone is standing still.) At this time and I could be wrong the person with the high ping can move a kill. When the server finally catches up it kills everyone to start everyone new. I could be wrong so all the trolls just relax.
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:34 am

I still got this **** after ceph ship coming in all lagged out ..
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:03 am

I've experienced this problem about 1 in every 5 as well, I mainly play on Seattle/Dallas NFO servers. The lag issues come all at once and then dissappear for me, seems very intermittent. I have not had any drops from the server, in fact, sometimes the server starts the next round so fast I can't get out! I started playing MP after the 1.4 patch, I've seen a cheater here and there. But enjoying the game, especially Classic mode free for all.

Flight 93, Never Forget.
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