Deleted Post about hackers!!

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:04 am

Took your advise i don't want my account deleted or banned. but The hackers do svck and they ruined the game on a level never seen before in gaming IMOP!

I'm just going to go and do what makes me happy and chill out! Overclocking!!! And Flashing the bios on my Video card. But this needs a big time address in the worst way.

I just wish they didn't Delete my post and address it properly. there has been no update on any anti-cheat since the 19Th. And a hacker turn the table on me when i Initiated a Vote Kick on him. and no they don't own the server my brother does. and he could not kick him!! He does not have the ability to do it, and here is the real beef i have then my brother got kicked from the server he owns.. they cleared out the whole server. I never ever seen anything like it in my life.

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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:00 am

If you read the rules of the forum you cant post about hackers, stupid but its the rules. You can get a temp ban for doing it.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:33 pm

You're trying to let Crytek know they have hackers? I'm pretty sure they know. Look at every single page on the forums. They know about it.

Now I don't know how complex it is to combat them but I do know it's not a matter of turning on a light switch or anything simple. We do know they're "attempting" to fix it but everything they come out with you have a massive army of hackers waiting to find exploits to get around. Not trying to defend Crytek here but I'm pretty sure claiming they're doing absolutely nothing is quite silly and a slap in their faces.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:14 am

I agree with SkinnyDog. Not enough is being done to even inform the community at large regarding the cheaters/hackers or the other problems that the patch did not fix. Not going to beat a dead horse over that. But he's right.

I sent a request to EA earlier today asking about the proper procedure to take in regards to cheaters/hackers and as of this post I haven't received an answer. Hopefully I will soon, and hopefully the Crytek folks will take notice that there are problems that need addressing.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:49 am

You're trying to let Crytek know they have hackers? I'm pretty sure they know. Look at every single page on the forums. They know about it.

Now I don't know how complex it is to combat them but I do know it's not a matter of turning on a light switch or anything simple. We do know they're "attempting" to fix it but everything they come out with you have a massive army of hackers waiting to find exploits to get around. Not trying to defend Crytek here but I'm pretty sure claiming they're doing absolutely nothing is quite silly and a slap in their faces.

Then not addressing us with updates is a slap in the face. At this point i can care less about Dx11. Get the hackers out. and have you seen the leader board? tell me why the still there. its not that its not obvious. I'm not slamming you bro at all. But i just want my moneys worth like every other person....

I think this is the best game i have played since Battlefield 2!!! And that's my opinion!! You don't have to agree. But please play the game Crytek on PC and you will see what I'm talking about. My record looks horrid cause of leaving games. I tend to play more in the day as the hackers are or seem to be in school.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:29 am

I agree with SkinnyDog. Not enough is being done to even inform the community at large regarding the cheaters/hackers or the other problems that the patch did not fix. Not going to beat a dead horse over that. But he's right.

I sent a request to EA earlier today asking about the proper procedure to take in regards to cheaters/hackers and as of this post I haven't received an answer. Hopefully I will soon, and hopefully the Crytek folks will take notice that there are problems that need addressing.

I have too sent one in a few days back!! Nothing back as of yet! Thanks for the support!! As it seems we are not getting anyplace with all the censorship!!!
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:23 am

Making xxx posts about hackers doesn't help nor solve anything, Crytek is aware of them and pointless posts aren't needed. In fact they cause even more problem because some people post youtube videos which lead to channels of people who can distribute those hacks. Basically people who make threads about cheaters contribute to cheating and give then some free fame. Raging over hackers bring more of them into game, and give them motivation to do it, because they see than people are raging and it is fun for them, so ofc. they will do it all the time.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:38 am

THis is what's happening, IMHO : the devs are working their butts off creating the basically new crysis 2 dx11 game, once that is finished, it'll be time to take care of the hacks, this is the way i see it, i been getting by playing the campaign, i would play the MP if they let us take away the blur etc., but anyways sure it's gonna be awesome when finished and no doubt we have pissed off the cry-mods no end. :D you were...
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:43 am

Making xxx posts about hackers doesn't help nor solve anything, Crytek is aware of them and pointless posts aren't needed. In fact they cause even more problem because some people post youtube videos which lead to channels of people who can distribute those hacks. Basically people who make threads about cheaters contribute to cheating and give then some free fame. Raging over hackers bring more of them into game, and give them motivation to do it, because they see than people are raging and it is fun for them, so ofc. they will do it all the time.

Yes, it's like feeding trolls. Don't do it.

Also, can't you disable motion blur and change field of view still through command lines?

Try adding

g_skipintro = 1
r_motionblur = 0
cl_fov = (value to suit your monitor here)

to your system.cfg?

For the field of view value, there's a nifty script available here to calculate it for you.
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sally R
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:28 am

Also, can't you disable motion blur and change field of view still through command lines? ...

You can open up the console once connected to a server and some of the commands will work, not many though, still blurry screen, but anyways, think about it ...once connected to a server, open up a console, type in commands << what the feck is this? i bought a computer game.
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Music Show
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:21 am

Wow that quote box is messed up.

Yeah, you did buy a computer game. Unfortunately they're not always brilliantly coded so, until proper in game graphics options are implemented, it's a workaround.

Also, you don't have to type it in every time. If you go to your crysis 2 installation folder (in steam it would be steam/steamapps/common/crysis 2 I believe) there should be a system.cfg which you can edit using notepad. Just add those lines in there.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:30 am

r_MotionBlur 0
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:26 am

For those that missed the bus :

The system.cfg 'which you can edit using notepad' is disabled in MP, you need to type in silLy **** into a console every time you join a server. :D
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u gone see
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:55 am

For those that missed the bus :

The system.cfg 'which you can edit using notepad' is disabled in MP, you need to type in silLy **** into a console every time you join a server. :D

I'm pretty sure that's because the server has it's own config's?......that's how they are able to change some of the weapons without a patch (by updating the servers)
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:28 am

I'm pretty sure that's because the server has it's own config's?......that's how they are able to change some of the weapons without a patch (by updating the servers)

Yup, before 1.4 you could do it like you can with SP, no worries, i still have great hopes for the game.
I'll bet once the dx11 is finished the devs will get right on about the hacker exploits.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:52 am

Well at the moment the graphical options are still client sided so editing your system.cfg will allow you to turn things like motion blur off.

The fact that a large amount of the information is client sided is also the reason for the hacking issues but that'll hopefully be resolved in time.
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James Potter
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:57 pm

Well at the moment the graphical options are still client sided so editing your system.cfg will allow you to turn things like motion blur off...

WARNING! Patch 1.4 disables MOST Cvars even shadowjittering?
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