New CAP fixes CrossfireX performance and flickering

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:49 am

yea seems like AMD just can't get things right over there, always has these issues of bugs glitches errors, every patch they put out just causes more errors when they try to fix others. sad to see sooooo many people out there have to deal with alllll these issues and errors all the time and just cant enjoy games the way they were meant to be played but instead have to deal with all this headache of issues and stuff with amd
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:04 pm

"Still have flickering, even with new CAP.. My personal fix was to go to Options>Graphics>Brightness and go up one, hit apply, then back to where it was, hit apply and boom no flickering!"

Same thing for me. But when I minimize the Cy2 window, I must do this one more time...
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Scared humanity
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:16 am

yea seems like AMD just can't get things right over there, always has these issues of bugs glitches errors, every patch they put out just causes more errors when they try to fix others. sad to see sooooo many people out there have to deal with alllll these issues and errors all the time and just cant enjoy games the way they were meant to be played but instead have to deal with all this headache of issues and stuff with amd


im using a 5970 also
intel core i7 920 @3.8Ghz

11.3 flickering was there - SOLVED with renaming to bioshock.exe
11.4 Preview + 11.3 CAP - SOLVED wothout renaming to anything

11.4 Live + 11.4 CAP - INSANE flickering, even seeing wierd brightness changes when i move the camera
WEIRD DARK bubbles move around the screen when moving while flickering

The flickering so BAD now, i cant play at all, renaming doesnt help either, have to stop playin the game until we get a DX11 or some crap from AMD

(im also completely confused what setup i should have in CCC under gaming settings...)
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:54 pm

I'm using 11.4 drivers + 11.4 CAP too... In a first moment, the flickering was insane, then I went to catalyst control center and changed Catalyst A.I. to the worst settings available and the flickering was gone. (Sorry, but I'm at work now and can't remember exactly the names in these settings, but the slider should remain totally at the left side of screen)
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