Did Cevat Yerli take aim at Call of Duty?

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:50 pm

Various developers have tried to clone the success of Call of Duty 4 over the past several years, making games that are based on run-n-gun tactics.

How much did Crytek attempt to reflect Call of Duty?

I have found many alarming and annoying similarities between Crysis 2 and COD, similarities that we could all do without:

The module/perk system, a player can pick 3 modules to enhance their combat effectiveness. While this is just directly in line with the COD perk system, Crysis 2 even has modules that gives similar benefits to the COD perks, such as Weapon Pro vs. Sleight of Hand, Jammer vs. Scrambler, Side Pack vs. Bandolier, Covert Ops vs. Ninja. So not only is the whole system right out of COD, even a few of the modules are clones of COD perks. Crytek could have simply changed the number of modules a player can equip to maybe 2 or 4, but leaving it at 3 is just COD.

The killstreak system, with rewards after the 3rd, 5th, and 7th consecutive dogtag collects, exactly matching the killstreak sequence of COD4. Again, it's another thing that Crytek could have just tweaked a bit to make the game not feel so much like COD, why rewards at 3, 5, and 7? 4, 6, and 8 would work just as well, and beats cloning.

The recoil-less weapons, which requires nothing more than aiming down the sights to get kills. This makes the game very repetitive for players that actually have recoil control and some aim. Not only are the weapons recoil-less, they are pin-point accurate, so we all see a bunch of SCAR sniping that is much similar to the assault rifle sniping in COD. Once again, Crytek just had to up the recoil values for the game to not be COD.

Kill phrases, when a player gets a kill on a cloaked enemy, it would be "Busted!" and when a player kills someone that is 1 kill short of a killstreak reward, it would be "Denied!" and when a player kills an enemy that is shooting at a teammate, it would be "Guardian!" Why does this sound so much like COD? What exactly is the purpose of this? To make myself feel better about spraying someone down?

Weapon Classes, how many do we have in Crysis 2? Oh of course, it has to exactly match some COD numbers, so let's make that 5 presets and 5 customs. Are you kidding me?

As to what Cevat Yerli was exactly aiming to do, I cannot say for sure. But it is evident that he may have somewhat slightly copied COD just a little bit, don't you think?
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:06 am

I beleive they were influenced by COD and BF.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:04 am

All i can say is duh to your title! ALL companies take aim at the previous best selling game.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:32 am

well if they didnt add them people will start crying about why they didnt add them in the first place :D and its not wrong to learn from the best :P
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:59 pm

Get used to it, developers will copy off others if the concept of it appeals to the gaming community.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:34 pm

well if they didnt add them people will start crying about why they didnt add them in the first place :D and its not wrong to learn from the best :P
Wow... Denied! CoD might be a good selling game but it's definitely not the best - at least in terms of gameplay and graphics...
I agree with KING_OF_SAND and eXVexille even if I don't like the fact that Crytek just copied such a **** game with no other gameplay than running around and shooting (even crashside is like this)... Furthermore, a clone is never better than the original...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:06 am

I beleive they were influenced by COD and BF.

I wouldn't think that they were influenced by BF too much this time.

Crysis and Crysis Wars Power Struggle was BF influenced.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:24 am

i dont see alot or any similarities with battlefield
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Killah Bee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:36 am

People here have "Blizzard syndrome" seriously, Blizz did create great MMO, but now people just can't stop biching "ohh this game copy WoW, ohh this game looks a lot like WoW", and same happening to FPS games. Jesus f... people get a f... life, if someone want to do a FPS game where you collect dog-tags, then it's freaking normal that it will be similar to other game which had already this implemented, but it doesn't mean that they are coping other game. Idk. maybe when we will be collect other people sh1t out of floor, maybe then people will be happy =.="
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:31 am

Crysis Wars fans practically begged for a "killcam" and thought that suit customisation would be cool.

Remember, killcams and perks aren't Call of Duty. Now, they're standard game features.
500m knife-lunges, instant death from anything, overpowered killstreaks and noob-tube spam is Call of Duty.

Text appearing whenever you kill an enemy is fun, and many, many players like it. It's been in soooooooo many games. It began as early as Quake, even. Plus, players would like to know things, like if they saved a team mate who was at critical health and being shot.

Besides, killcams and suit modules enhance gameplay :)

In conclusion, Crysis 2 is "copying" vague standards which don't define the Call of Duty formula.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:38 pm

is stealth mode, armor mode call of duty too? i mean srsly sure it has some similarities but crysis 2 mp gameplay is A LOT funner then CODs and you know why? In COD after every now and then you get nubtubed or killed from nowhere but here that doesnt happen. Ive played COD series but i can tell u that this is quite funner then COD atm.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:25 am

f you cant beat em join em.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:42 am

People here have "Blizzard syndrome" seriously, Blizz did create great MMO, but now people just can't stop biching "ohh this game copy WoW, ohh this game looks a lot like WoW", and same happening to FPS games. Jesus f... people get a f... life, if someone want to do a FPS game where you collect dog-tags, then it's freaking normal that it will be similar to other game which had already this implemented, but it doesn't mean that they are coping other game. Idk. maybe when we will be collect other people sh1t out of floor, maybe then people will be happy =.="

What is your point?

Crysis Wars had a perfectly entertaining MP experience that surely beats any run-n-gun garbage. But Crytek just had to be a svck up and kiss COD's fat arse.

What I'm "biching" at is not how similar Crysis 2 is to COD, but rather how Crysis went from unique and distinctive gameplay to no brains spray fest with Crysis 2. The idea of making sequels, to my understanding, is to make a game better, not worse.

If you are perfectly happy with another COD clone that takes no brains to play, that does not mean other people with any mental ability would enjoy shooting at everything they see.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:57 pm

Recoil-less weapons? Hell, we're wearing nanosuits. Who cares about recoils. COD should have more recoil instead.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:58 am

People here have "Blizzard syndrome" seriously, Blizz did create great MMO, but now people just can't stop biching "ohh this game copy WoW, ohh this game looks a lot like WoW", and same happening to FPS games. Jesus f... people get a f... life, if someone want to do a FPS game where you collect dog-tags, then it's freaking normal that it will be similar to other game which had already this implemented, but it doesn't mean that they are coping other game. Idk. maybe when we will be collect other people sh1t out of floor, maybe then people will be happy =.="

Yeah, it's crazy that some gamers expect originality in multi-million dollar titles. I remember a time when video game reviews actually included 'innovation' as a sub-score. Nowadays it's all about appeasing the lowest common denominator, aka, complacent, teenage gamers who don't remember what computer games were like less than a decade ago, before it was a multi-billion dollar industry and development studios couldn't get by simply piggybacking on the success of the latest FPS/MMO.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:15 am

People here have "Blizzard syndrome" seriously, Blizz did create great MMO, but now people just can't stop biching "ohh this game copy WoW, ohh this game looks a lot like WoW", and same happening to FPS games. Jesus f... people get a f... life, if someone want to do a FPS game where you collect dog-tags, then it's freaking normal that it will be similar to other game which had already this implemented, but it doesn't mean that they are coping other game. Idk. maybe when we will be collect other people sh1t out of floor, maybe then people will be happy =.="

What is your point?

Crysis Wars had a perfectly entertaining MP experience that surely beats any run-n-gun garbage. But Crytek just had to be a svck up and kiss COD's fat arse.

What I'm "biching" at is not how similar Crysis 2 is to COD, but rather how Crysis went from unique and distinctive gameplay to no brains spray fest with Crysis 2. The idea of making sequels, to my understanding, is to make a game better, not worse.

If you are perfectly happy with another COD clone that takes no brains to play, that does not mean other people with any mental ability would enjoy shooting at everything they see.

My point was very simple... stop looking for similarities in games because it is freaking pointless since each new game have something common with game released few months earlier, and enjoy game which you are currently playing.
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James Hate
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:17 am

my point was very simple... stop looking for similarities in games because it is freaking pointless since each new game have something common with game released few months earlier, and enjoy game which you are currently playing.
i do
but i would like to see some bfbc2 features here, like HUGE maps and military vehicles
the butchering that is happening on the small maps are boring to this moment a bit..
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:51 am

Various developers have tried to clone the success of Call of Duty 4 over the past several years, making games that are based on run-n-gun tactics.

How much did Crytek attempt to reflect Call of Duty?

I have found many alarming and annoying similarities between Crysis 2 and COD, similarities that we could all do without:

The module/perk system, a player can pick 3 modules to enhance their combat effectiveness. While this is just directly in line with the COD perk system, Crysis 2 even has modules that gives similar benefits to the COD perks, such as Weapon Pro vs. Sleight of Hand, Jammer vs. Scrambler, Side Pack vs. Bandolier, Covert Ops vs. Ninja. So not only is the whole system right out of COD, even a few of the modules are clones of COD perks. Crytek could have simply changed the number of modules a player can equip to maybe 2 or 4, but leaving it at 3 is just COD.

The killstreak system, with rewards after the 3rd, 5th, and 7th consecutive dogtag collects, exactly matching the killstreak sequence of COD4. Again, it's another thing that Crytek could have just tweaked a bit to make the game not feel so much like COD, why rewards at 3, 5, and 7? 4, 6, and 8 would work just as well, and beats cloning.

The recoil-less weapons, which requires nothing more than aiming down the sights to get kills. This makes the game very repetitive for players that actually have recoil control and some aim. Not only are the weapons recoil-less, they are pin-point accurate, so we all see a bunch of SCAR sniping that is much similar to the assault rifle sniping in COD. Once again, Crytek just had to up the recoil values for the game to not be COD.

Kill phrases, when a player gets a kill on a cloaked enemy, it would be "Busted!" and when a player kills someone that is 1 kill short of a killstreak reward, it would be "Denied!" and when a player kills an enemy that is shooting at a teammate, it would be "Guardian!" Why does this sound so much like COD? What exactly is the purpose of this? To make myself feel better about spraying someone down?

Weapon Classes, how many do we have in Crysis 2? Oh of course, it has to exactly match some COD numbers, so let's make that 5 presets and 5 customs. Are you kidding me?

As to what Cevat Yerli was exactly aiming to do, I cannot say for sure. But it is evident that he may have somewhat slightly copied COD just a little bit, don't you think?
This is old news, and an old topic. I'm tired of this COD-killer mentality. COD is fun, but bad. It's an easy-mode, dumb, pure point and click game suited for the brainless gamers. You trump COD by making a better game than it, and how about instead of making a COD clone with some bells and whistles, don't companies start making actually GOOD games? For ****'s sake, let it die already. Yes, Crysis 2 is a COD clone, no doubt about it, they had the opportunity to make a serious tactical game like the first one and they didn't for the sake of money, they sold out so let's just move on. They won't see my money for any DLC or Crysis 3. Counter-Strike is here there's not a single COD game that can scratch that online titan. Team Fortress 2 is the height of teamwork and teamplay gaming, it's dozens of times better, more fun, more open and more supported than COD4 + WaW + MW2 + BO combined (and the game only costs 7-8€!). Battlefield 3 brings back tactical play and large-scale operations into the field. RTCW: Enemy Territory is an 8 year old game with a gameplay so damn good that still only a handful of today's games have reached it's level and it's still played world wide. Etc, etc, etc. Any of those have a serious e-sports community around them if it interests you. Take a look at those games instead of COD and COD clones, you won't regret it. And let the latter games to themselves and their idiotic players. I regret buying Crysis 2 so badly it's not even funny, I don't think I have more than 50 hours into the MP and can't touch it anymore, by comparison I have more a thousand into TF2 and god knows how many into CS, ET, Battlefields, and some more games. This and similar CODs, are plain BAD. COD4 kind of escapes the trend because it was the first with this gameplay and the community took care of it with mods and maps, but everything that followed was the same recycled, 9 year old kid's crap.

Seriously, do yourself a favour.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:27 am

Crysis 2 DLC?
it's joke
noone buy it lol not only you
at least on PC platform =D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:14 am

Crysis Wars fans practically begged for a "killcam" and thought that suit customisation would be cool.

Remember, killcams and perks aren't Call of Duty. Now, they're standard game features.
500m knife-lunges, instant death from anything, overpowered killstreaks and noob-tube spam is Call of Duty.

Text appearing whenever you kill an enemy is fun, and many, many players like it. It's been in soooooooo many games. It began as early as Quake, even. Plus, players would like to know things, like if they saved a team mate who was at critical health and being shot.

Besides, killcams and suit modules enhance gameplay :)

In conclusion, Crysis 2 is "copying" vague standards which don't define the Call of Duty formula.

Evidently you haven't been part of the CoD community for very long. Just because Crysis 2 isn't the only game to copy CoD's winning formula doesn't mean that Crysis 2 isn't also copying CoD's winning formula. These innovations belong to CoD (Infinity Ward, specifically), no matter how many lesser games rip them off. Unfortunately it's true that the franchise has only gone downhill since Modern Warfare, but that's kind of irrelevant. The point here is that Crysis 2 copied CoD and maybe that's kind of an obvious statement, but trying to deny it by saying that CoD is defined by all the sh!t that made Mw2 a bad online experience is a recipe for failure.
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Melung Chan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:20 am

Various developers have tried to clone the success of Call of Duty 4 over the past several years, making games that are based on run-n-gun tactics.

How much did Crytek attempt to reflect Call of Duty?

I have found many alarming and annoying similarities between Crysis 2 and COD, similarities that we could all do without:

The module/perk system, a player can pick 3 modules to enhance their combat effectiveness. While this is just directly in line with the COD perk system, Crysis 2 even has modules that gives similar benefits to the COD perks, such as Weapon Pro vs. Sleight of Hand, Jammer vs. Scrambler, Side Pack vs. Bandolier, Covert Ops vs. Ninja. So not only is the whole system right out of COD, even a few of the modules are clones of COD perks. Crytek could have simply changed the number of modules a player can equip to maybe 2 or 4, but leaving it at 3 is just COD.

The killstreak system, with rewards after the 3rd, 5th, and 7th consecutive dogtag collects, exactly matching the killstreak sequence of COD4. Again, it's another thing that Crytek could have just tweaked a bit to make the game not feel so much like COD, why rewards at 3, 5, and 7? 4, 6, and 8 would work just as well, and beats cloning.

The recoil-less weapons, which requires nothing more than aiming down the sights to get kills. This makes the game very repetitive for players that actually have recoil control and some aim. Not only are the weapons recoil-less, they are pin-point accurate, so we all see a bunch of SCAR sniping that is much similar to the assault rifle sniping in COD. Once again, Crytek just had to up the recoil values for the game to not be COD.

Kill phrases, when a player gets a kill on a cloaked enemy, it would be "Busted!" and when a player kills someone that is 1 kill short of a killstreak reward, it would be "Denied!" and when a player kills an enemy that is shooting at a teammate, it would be "Guardian!" Why does this sound so much like COD? What exactly is the purpose of this? To make myself feel better about spraying someone down?

Weapon Classes, how many do we have in Crysis 2? Oh of course, it has to exactly match some COD numbers, so let's make that 5 presets and 5 customs. Are you kidding me?

As to what Cevat Yerli was exactly aiming to do, I cannot say for sure. But it is evident that he may have somewhat slightly copied COD just a little bit, don't you think?
This is old news, and an old topic. I'm tired of this COD-killer mentality. COD is fun, but bad. It's an easy-mode, dumb, pure point and click game suited for the brainless gamers. You trump COD by making a better game than it, and how about instead of making a COD clone with some bells and whistles, don't companies start making actually GOOD games? For ****'s sake, let it die already. Yes, Crysis 2 is a COD clone, no doubt about it, they had the opportunity to make a serious tactical game like the first one and they didn't for the sake of money, they sold out so let's just move on. They won't see my money for any DLC or Crysis 3. Counter-Strike is here there's not a single COD game that can scratch that online titan. Team Fortress 2 is the height of teamwork and teamplay gaming, it's dozens of times better, more fun, more open and more supported than COD4 + WaW + MW2 + BO combined (and the game only costs 7-8€!). Battlefield 3 brings back tactical play and large-scale operations into the field. RTCW: Enemy Territory is an 8 year old game with a gameplay so damn good that still only a handful of today's games have reached it's level and it's still played world wide. Etc, etc, etc. Any of those have a serious e-sports community around them if it interests you. Take a look at those games instead of COD and COD clones, you won't regret it. And let the latter games to themselves and their idiotic players. I regret buying Crysis 2 so badly it's not even funny, I don't think I have more than 50 hours into the MP and can't touch it anymore, by comparison I have more a thousand into TF2 and god knows how many into CS, ET, Battlefields, and some more games. This and similar CODs, are plain BAD. COD4 kind of escapes the trend because it was the first with this gameplay and the community took care of it with mods and maps, but everything that followed was the same recycled, 9 year old kid's crap.

Seriously, do yourself a favour.

That is the response I was hoping for, well said sir.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:54 pm

Cevat Yerli taking aim at Call of Duty?? Pffff.. no way! He was obviously taking aim at Serious Sam! Evidence: both games have guns
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:25 am

Recoil-less weapons? Hell, we're wearing nanosuits. Who cares about recoils. COD should have more recoil instead.

if we are going to have no recoil, then movement should be faster. "Hell, we're wearing nanosuits.".

crysis 2 multiplayer is for noobs and is designed so 'everyone can get kills'.

seriously, if your going to have guns with 0 recoil, increase movement speeds, run speeds, jump speeds, remove running energy drain, etc. Either you keep it a slow paced game and include recoil (CS, BC2), or remove recoil and make it a fast twitch shooter (Quake, UT).

that being said. crysis 2 is nothing but a COD clone. why is it a cod clone? Because crytek wanted to release this game between COD installments to give the cod players something fresh to play (remember, people buy the new COD every year, and the game is exactly the same each time. the players just want to feel like its new, something new to grind for, maybe a new gun or two). Crysis 2 wanted to be the 'cod installment' of the first half of 2011.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:02 am

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