How much did Crytek attempt to reflect Call of Duty?
I have found many alarming and annoying similarities between Crysis 2 and COD, similarities that we could all do without:
The module/perk system, a player can pick 3 modules to enhance their combat effectiveness. While this is just directly in line with the COD perk system, Crysis 2 even has modules that gives similar benefits to the COD perks, such as Weapon Pro vs. Sleight of Hand, Jammer vs. Scrambler, Side Pack vs. Bandolier, Covert Ops vs. Ninja. So not only is the whole system right out of COD, even a few of the modules are clones of COD perks. Crytek could have simply changed the number of modules a player can equip to maybe 2 or 4, but leaving it at 3 is just COD.
The killstreak system, with rewards after the 3rd, 5th, and 7th consecutive dogtag collects, exactly matching the killstreak sequence of COD4. Again, it's another thing that Crytek could have just tweaked a bit to make the game not feel so much like COD, why rewards at 3, 5, and 7? 4, 6, and 8 would work just as well, and beats cloning.
The recoil-less weapons, which requires nothing more than aiming down the sights to get kills. This makes the game very repetitive for players that actually have recoil control and some aim. Not only are the weapons recoil-less, they are pin-point accurate, so we all see a bunch of SCAR sniping that is much similar to the assault rifle sniping in COD. Once again, Crytek just had to up the recoil values for the game to not be COD.
Kill phrases, when a player gets a kill on a cloaked enemy, it would be "Busted!" and when a player kills someone that is 1 kill short of a killstreak reward, it would be "Denied!" and when a player kills an enemy that is shooting at a teammate, it would be "Guardian!" Why does this sound so much like COD? What exactly is the purpose of this? To make myself feel better about spraying someone down?
Weapon Classes, how many do we have in Crysis 2? Oh of course, it has to exactly match some COD numbers, so let's make that 5 presets and 5 customs. Are you kidding me?
As to what Cevat Yerli was exactly aiming to do, I cannot say for sure. But it is evident that he may have somewhat slightly copied COD just a little bit, don't you think?