Face it, Crysis 3 will be console-exclusive.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:01 am

For all of those who say that piracy is killing pc gaming you are mistaken, xbox360 games get pirated and so do/did PS3 games so that's sorted.
Ofcourse the full beta being leaked all over the internet didn't really help because people download it complete the game and see no reason why they should pay for it since they already finished it, besides it's not their fault that someone was so nice to leak the full version of the game period!.
I think the main reason why console games sell better as pc games is because of the price of the actual hardware, can u buy/build a gaming pc for let's say 200/300 euro's ? not sure how much a PS3 cost but I know for a fact that a simple xbox360 is only 200.
So if u don't have the cashflow to buy/build a pc and just wanna play games on it hey it's a great alternative , pc needs more exclusive games and superior graphic's compared to those older somewhat outdated consoles.
The developers they have to convince the people to actually buy a pc simply because it's worth the extra money and aslong as we get almost identical games compared to the consoles , the console people will never consider buying one of those nice fancy machines.
In the end people will always go for the best value/price option.
I rest my case
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kat no x
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:10 pm

For all of those who say that piracy is killing pc gaming you are mistaken, ...

I agree. Piracy actually just spreads the game among people that wouldn't buy it anyways (cheaters included sadly), and raises the popularity of genuinely good games. I still don't condone it, it's illegal, and unrespectful, but it hurts bad games more than good games. IMO making a good multiplayer that forces people to buy it if they wanna play is the best way to ensure your game will still sell - well, that was until I saw Crytek not being able to ban pirates in multiplayer... So in the case of Crysis 2 piracy might kill the game for pc, but it's still Crytek's fault. If you don't lock your car it's your fault if it gets stolen, isn't it?
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:58 am

They're heading that way regardless of piracy (which I always doubt PC is worse than the consoles for this issue anyway), and to be honest, Crysis 3 unless it's a major improvement - I won't be buying it anyway.
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keri seymour
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:15 am

They should just go the BF3 route; develop for PC and scale it down for consoles.

That way, consoles get a great looking game, in the scale they're used to; and PC get a game actually worthy of their hardware.

I'm tired of supporting consoles, I'm joining the PC crowd, and I finally understand why you guys are pissed.
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:08 am

DICE choose the right way
so with known staff about incoming BF3, ALL of my friends who likes shooters tend to buy it with no delay
but noone of my friends bought Crysis 2 but only me
frankly, they didn't becouse of me. as i known fan of Crysis everyone asked me "HOW IS IT??". well, how do you think what i answer? truth

so while Crytek will save money for developing good PC game and "cut" it for consoles and making poor stuff for consoles and port it to PC with minimal improoves, PC sales will not rise.
i wont have Crysis 3 if it will have at least minimal similarity with Crysis 2. so let xbox have it's exclusive or something, i'm not interesting with products like the game we are talking about here
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Dean Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:27 am

After what's taken place with the current Crysis 2 PC version I doubt there will be any support for a PC version anyway. I'm not interested in a Crysis 3. This is the last one I'll buy.
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Ellie English
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:41 am

Even if they do release digital sales numbers it would still be insignificant. You people make it seem that PC sold more than the consoles. Believe it or not but the physical disk copy still makes up for most of the PC sales.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:37 am

DICE has gone back to PC roots after bad company 2; I see no reason why Crytek can't do the same. They clearly have the capability to make an epic and immersive gaming experience, all they need to do now is get their priorities right.

No more of this 'oh, but we developed it on all platforms simulataneously' ****. Develop it on PC and make it good. Port it to consoles and they will absolutely still throw their money at you..
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:05 am

BC2 is still the best pc game in recent times. And as for retail. Has anybody gone to their friendly neughbourhood taget, best buy, walmart or gamestop and seen the latest and greatest pc games????

Most ppl are now buying disk online from amazon.com and they also dont release their sales number.
Only console monkeys buy games from brick and mortar stores.

Also BC 2 sold most on pc so yes its possible to sell games on pc. SC2 sold a crapton more, I guess 4 million in 1st month alone.

Crytek was just being stupid to vomit out this console port. Last time I checked console ports dont sell very well
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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:34 am

Even if they do release digital sales numbers it would still be insignificant. You people make it seem that PC sold more than the consoles. Believe it or not but the physical disk copy still makes up for most of the PC sales.

While i agree consoles sell more than PC (including digital sales), i cant agree that digital sales are an insignificant portion of total PC sales. Id say overall, they are at least 30%. Depending on the game of course.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:52 am

Yeh Multiport Crysis Is something im not interested in anymore,, Cant enjoy the game when its ovbiously a console port and PC "features" are patch on , add on , and frankly To little to late. Still lots of mods for Cry engine 2 that im enjoying tho, that community is alive and well, with some AMAZING creations .
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Rex Help
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