Seriously, companies and game developers out there is asking questions and condeming people who gets a pirate version of a game, and yet they releae unfinished **** like this???
If I wanted to play this game for what I can right now, wich is only the singleplayer campaign, and not the multiplayer part, I can find a WORKING pirate version of this game on any decent torrent site in less than 10 min.
And you know what, I wouldn't even feel the slightest bit guilty, when companies can release **** like this to their customers, then hell, customers can give **** back to them as well...
I can't believe how much problems there has been with a game like this. Your damn patcher doesn't even **** work!
My education is a bachelors degree in game development, and I would **** FAIL a project if I were to deliver something as crappy and unfinished as this games multiplayer part.
Singleplayer has even been bugged for people.
But the worst part must be the multiplayer... The forums are flooded with complaints and crap going all over the place. And yet, nothing from Crytec. Nothing at all.
Try doing a Crysis 2 google search, and you wont find this site at all, however, what you will find it a crapload of complaints about this and how crappy it is...
I spent money on this title because I enjoy a good FPS, and then especially the multiplayer part of it.
But when I then get a product that is halfway done, I feel like I just spent money to get in to a **** beta that's not even close to finished.
Ohh and yes, I have patched to 1.4, and it's still a buggy piece of ****...
And did I mention the 1000 ping servers?
No, I don't download anything, I don't upload anything, I don't play anything, I don't use any kind of IM, or SKYPE or VT or TS or ****...
I am sitting on a comfy 10mb/s connection, and I have no other problems playing any other game online, ONLY this... Only this piece of crap...
Yes, I've read all the posts about how different kind of routers have problems with Crysis 2. I've tried, and I've opened all ports I can imagine, and also opened my NAT settings, so don't get started with me on that part...
Now, I expect fan-boys to be all over this, and go all' "QQ" on me and all that ****, cause hey, it's internet, and retards flourish here.
But if you can seriously defend that a company release a game that is not even close to being finished, then you really need to go back down into your hole and die...
And to Crytec and EA, you can laugh all the way to the bank with my money this time.
I can guarantee you it wont happen again.
Ohhh and just to add it to the fun: