Hello Friend,
I consciously chose the topics name because I wanted to raise attention first.
I didn't want to be too technical with the topic's name already, also I believe that this is ultimately what it boils down to. Also I'm playing regulary on the Xbox360 myself, that's why the general problems with lag, and the lack of game support from Devs/Pubs is really important for me.
It is my aim to raise the attention of Xbox360 players especially, and sometimes it takes a little controversial headline to do so.
I don't intend to personally attack anyone, just want to point out that it's on us, the community to bring a positive change in stable online gaming about. As long as a company can save a single cent without one cent lost, they will do so. As long as Xbox players think the lack of support and the problem with lag is just "normal", of course nothing will change.
Thanks for your reply and joining the discussion.

What good is the BEST game in the world, when you get ZERO support for it !?