Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:30 pm

The topics name is a bit misleading/troll like. Maybe you can change it to "prevent connection lag" or something.

Hello Friend,

I consciously chose the topics name because I wanted to raise attention first.
I didn't want to be too technical with the topic's name already, also I believe that this is ultimately what it boils down to. Also I'm playing regulary on the Xbox360 myself, that's why the general problems with lag, and the lack of game support from Devs/Pubs is really important for me.

It is my aim to raise the attention of Xbox360 players especially, and sometimes it takes a little controversial headline to do so.

I don't intend to personally attack anyone, just want to point out that it's on us, the community to bring a positive change in stable online gaming about. As long as a company can save a single cent without one cent lost, they will do so. As long as Xbox players think the lack of support and the problem with lag is just "normal", of course nothing will change.

Thanks for your reply and joining the discussion.

What good is the BEST game in the world, when you get ZERO support for it !?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:06 pm

I would say it is all up to the developer!
If Crytek wants, then we will have dedeicated servers for PC and Consoles. MS (at leasts) offers this service for developers, sure it costs a bit (servers do) but you'll get a wonderful multplayer without lag :D

Homefront and Gears of War 3 will offer dedicated servers on consoles, hence no lag even when some one with bad connection is playing. I myself got a (swedish) dedicated 100/100Mbit but when the host is mexican with a 56k that doesn't matter in p2p2 sadly :/
I'll be buying Homefront, Gears 3 and any other game that offers dedicated servers simple because online gaming will be so much better! ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:34 am

"We, the console community", are made up of a lot of kids. Kids don't know anything about this stuff, and you can't really blame them -
They got their parents to set it up for them so they can spend their day absorbing every racist comment, every new swear word, every ridiculous attitude like a sponge and spitting it back out.
There really isn't much that can be done in terms of educating these kids and everyone else about this stuff.
You can't tell a kid to get a better connection - he wont know how, and he'll just reply with something like "get a better mother".
And practically, it just doesn't work out trying to teach them how.

Hehe, yeah You're right of course. I just felt the need to express my thought about the topic and to get involved. That's the only thing we can really do. My hope is that at leaswt the more grown part of the XBL community will someday make an effect in the matter.
Got the post updated btw., it really needed some improvements.

Thanks for your reply.

What good is the BEST game in the world, when you get ZERO support for it !?
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:03 am

excelent post bro! very well written and inteligent- seirously.

and its obvious what he means by calling console players the problem, is that hes directing his message to the stupid little twirps on XBL that ruin games for people, the kids who know nothing about how to set up their connection to make gameplay fair.

you dudes need to chill out and not be so defensive over your consoles. hes just trying to help you guys get better connections in-game

Thank you for the positive feedback and taking part in the discussion!
All I really try to do is to make a tiny little step towards better online gaming. Who else could bring that change about if not customers/gamers themselves?

What good is the BEST game in the world, when you get ZERO support for it !?
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:41 am

You are such an idiot. Just because you are uninformed and not even interested in the mechanics of online gaming does not mean the rest of us are.

Sure, there are tons of morons on the 360 and PS3, but do NOT go and label all of us like that. There countless morons on the PC too.
This, I wholeheartedly support and agree with, apart from the idiot thing, totally uncalled for, if you cant be polite, then thats as bad, just a thought.

Some people know what it takes and whats happening, and even why, but that applies to all platforms, technology is easy stuff to many.

equally there are many people who simply have no idea about the mechanics involved, more over, some have one intention in life, and thats simply OWN that Noob, by any means,

some people even cause probs without even knowing it, and they come from all walks of life, at all skillset levels on all platforms, in a variety of age groups, etc!

I have noticed recently a fast growing number of younger people comming to PC as a preference,

OH NO wait,
Its me I GOT OLDER << now thats called paying attention to detail, lol

peace and luv people


Some points I probably didn't make clear enough, I should have gotten it right the first time.
Topic updated, Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

What good is the BEST game in the world, when you get ZERO support for it !?
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:37 am

Yeah, it seems people come in here, see the long post, and decide to skip most of it before typing their response.

Btw, nice post, it would be nice if there weren't so many incompetent players playing on consoles...PC is usually better, because there aren't so many annoying kids that play on them.

Most people can't do a wired connection; my brother and a few friends have their consoles in a room that is very far away from the modem/router, so the cord would have to be long and in the way all the time.

Better matchmaking would definitely help out. Having the connection stay within your own country would definitely be best, but even 3,000 miles away usually isn't that bad of ping. I don't trust pingtest.net, because when there are tons of little packets being sent, especially to a single host, there might be more lag due to the host connection getting overloaded; almost like having a crappy onboard NIC for hosting when a good server NIC would be better. :)

Little kids should be able to handle this...I remember knowing about this when I was 8(only 10 years ago).

Thanks for the feedback and your thoughts on the matter.
Of course there is a very broad range of Xbox360 players of all ages and nations, I hope to at least get SOME people intersted in the matter, that's all I can do. Topic updated.

What good is the BEST game in the world, when you get ZERO support for it !?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:59 am

I agree completely with the TC. Coming from someone who grew up as an avid PC gamer. Games like Quake, TFC etc, I know what the capabilities of online gaming are and it's just not fair for console gamers. If anything, I'd say the XBL experience is just casual due to no server support that's dedicated. Where players are free to lease servers and have their own server for anything really. If you must, at least let players host their own games if it's P2P. Not this, join lobby, quick game, games starts and everyones pings range from 50ms to 300ms. Connections from all over and the game giving host to some average connection because it's compensating for the wide range of connections.

Thanks for the feedback, good points.

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