Since few loooong days there is actually no support at all.
I dont see Cry-Adam/Cry-Tom replying in any threads.
They dead or what? Or maybe they are being replaced?
I would really like to know does this game will be fixed even in some part or I am constantly wasting my time?
There is no schedule at bug fixing at all... how is this possible? Even no word about what is going on with a game for which we spent from 40-60$. Is it only me or such situation should go to some sort of court?
Funny thing but Crysis 2 was one of my first legal games... and now I have mixed feelings.
EA support? NONE
Crytek support? Dissappeard/NONE
No replys, no replys, no replys - we even dont know if they read anything from this.
I think it is time for us gamers, who were let down by Crytek and EA to do our thing and go write about our gaming problems/bugs... not here but in the comment fields of online shops where we purchased this yet unfinished product. I think this really needs to be stopped, because its not funny to spent your money for something that dont work or you can fix it by yourself (vide topic with possible fixes etc.).
Im trully disappointed because of this game and lack of communication on line: Crytek <-> Gamers.