ok i been playing for awile and have done alot of messing around but when i saw i liked running and hidding i.e. mobility and stealth enhance. well i was playing with what suit mod i should use for armor when i saw energy transfer i thought well gee isnt that swell i can run and gun forever as long as i kill them. well i been banned 3 times now for what some admins say speed hacking or another was energy hacking i mean come on really!? im using a fast hit and run style built in pro mode its just broken to hell i went 32 and 1(cause i ran out of ammo in a fight) but come on plus this vote kicking causes people to go "omg hes hacking" cause melee 1 taps in pro mode. well if any1 else has a word of warning to people i would like to hear it cause at this point i need a good server and a good place to have fun cause im just at wits end