Why is the netcode so terrible?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:02 am

I always play on servers where my ping is <150 (most times <100 )
And I'm getting so aggravated that I'm starting to play on servers with higher pings because when I have a lower ping and everyone else has a higher ping avoiding shots , using cover and hiding behind objects/buildings becomes completely useless!!
The person with the high ping still see's me else where on his PC, when in fact i'm actually completely safe.

And thus end up dying.

Another situation is where You have a lower ping than someone and You run into them and empty bullets, upon bullets, upon bullets at them and then they kill you in just a few shots;in often times what feels like a split second; and then on the kill cam it shows them Shooting you MORE than you actually saw and that all your bullets didn't hit them at all/or weren't even there.

This happens to no end.

Honestly, even if there comes a way to get rid of cheaters easier and for good;ban; then we are just going to be left with a game that if not for you, someone else in the match is completely pissed off because of they are in one of the above 2 or even more situations.

I haven't played a game that had lag this bad since Metal Gear Online.

Both are really great unique games. But are both nearly ruined because of poor netcode issues.

I have 15Mbit Internet with actual download speeds over 1.7MB p/s
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:59 pm

Having a high ping is difficult.
Say, if you fired enough shots to kill someone, then the lag means they will only die after half a second.
If they kill you within that half a second, you die and they live, even though you killed them first.
This makes melee-battles impossible to win.

I'm actually surprised 250+ ping doesn't result in crazy rubberbanding.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:15 pm

Actually the netcode in Crysis 2 is very good. The hit detection is client side, so playing on servers with a high ping doesn't lag so badly (it seems the Australian servers are all empty nowadays). Example - I love Unreal Tournament but when all the servers have a ping of over 200, it's pretty much impossible to hit anyone; in C2, I can still kill with high ping
Also, internet speed doesn't make a difference, it's the response times/latency/ping

It's not perfect though, like if someone shoots you then you run to cover, you still get hit by the bullet that hit you a second ago
Having a high ping is difficult.
Say, if you fired enough shots to kill someone, then the lag means they will only die after half a second.
If they kill you within that half a second, you die and they live, even though you killed them first.
This makes melee-battles impossible to win.

I'm actually surprised 250+ ping doesn't result in crazy rubberbanding.
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:19 am

I experience this all the time. Feel for ya' dude.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:00 pm

well either play on a server that is close to u so u have like 20 to 30 latency or just shush... dont use ping filter because its not telling the truth. If ur in europe play on 4netplayers EA RANKED i have very low ping all the time like 30 ping and never had any problems with lag or getting killed cus someone is lagging.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:07 pm

Hahaha, I have DSL 6000, a download-volume of 700 kb/s and I hardly experience any lag on good servers. I normally have a ping of about 43-55. Hit detection is pretty good after patch 1.4 for me. Only problems arouse when someone has a ping of 400+, then he gets kicked from the server =)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:47 pm

Actually the netcode in Crysis 2 is very good. The hit detection is client side, so playing on servers with a high ping doesn't lag so badly ...

I disagree. Client side hit detection just hides the bad netcode. Getting hit/killed while you think you've already reached cover is normal with high pings involved (as some explained). And it's fine that hits register when your crosshair is on them, but when an enemy knows to strafe he will be warping left and right on your screen, making it pretty hard to hit him. Even with good aim, as soon as you corrected, he isn't there anymore. I gotta admit, I use this myself to my advantage.
In many games strafing is a helpful tactic, but in this game it's a must. 1 on 1 the strafer wins the gunfight.

As the OP, I play on very low pings (35-50), and I can't help to notice some weirdness against enemies with ping > 200. I agree, it's not bad to play with that high of a ping myself, but for people with low ping, this game behaves very differently than other games.

I actually blame the netcode for people thinking this game is FULL of hackers. People look like they got speedhacks or infinite armor or cloak while shooting sometimes, but it's just the lag... And if you noticed what happens during Orbital Strikes, that must be the netcode as well.

I don't know enough about the netcode of Crysis 2 to pinpoint the problem thou... Interpretations welcome. :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:31 am

I play on italian server and i have 16ms ping, btw i still get killed while i'm already on cover, and kill cams are always SO DIFFERENT than what i see, and i'm not talking about slight differences, i talk about something like half second differences!!
it happens very often i shoot someone before him but i die, and when i see the replay he has shooted before me.

it looks like the game has an internal LAG that can't be avoided and does not depends from your actual latency on the server.

i don't know if there's an internal lagfix based on player pings, but the thing i know is that is very frustrating.

I actually blame the netcode for people thinking this game is FULL of hackers. People look like they got speedhacks or infinite armor or cloak while shooting sometimes, but it's just the lag... And if you noticed what happens during Orbital Strikes, that must be the netcode as well.

yeah there are some serious issues with netcode, orbital strikes often make everyone lags a lot, that's crazy, you should have tested netcode a bit more before release.

i still miss quake 3 netcode, i've never found an online game with a so nice netcode like quake 3 arena (except from games born on that engine, like call of duty, excluding mw2 obviously, and also valve source based games netcode is not bad at all).

battlefield games also svcks a lot about netcode and hit boxes are horrible, i've dropped bc2 after 2 months.

idsoftware we need you, do a great game please so this torture will end once for all.
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