Upgrades STILL not saving...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:12 am

First upgrades would reset to their previous rank. Now upgrades that were ranks 3-5 all reset to rank 1? Crytek seriously? At first I wasn't negative when the game released, but 1 and a half months later this problem STILL isn't fixed... I don't feel like this was worth the money. Too many other amazing first person shooters out there to keep supporting this game. League of Legends is FREE and has better service than Crytek's long established company... There are still many bugs, glitches, exploits, and hackers in this game despite all the complaints. The game isn't the disappointment, but rather those in charge of making it "work" are.
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:23 pm

well tbh LoL sure is free but theyre working only on PC ... crytek is working on all 3 platforms(thanks to the greedy ass EA ) and cryteks team isnt just big enough to support all 3 platforms at once so i believe they have to work per platform and fix some major glitches and bugs that arent working at all first.... And the reason why crysis wasnt released multiplatform is because crytek was new and EA wasnt so much intriged by the team and thats why its PC focused... Blame EA for pushing the release date to release closely finished game. I believe cry teams are working their ass off so u should pay a little bit respect to them instead of bashing them like that And i will repeat again its EAs fault for releasing crysis 2 prematurely not cryteks!
One more thing Im not trolling or just saying awsome stuff because i wanna troll i say it because i feel its that way and ive expirienced about 20% out of 100% bugs and glitches that are and i bump rarely on cheater( thanks to my luck :D) so if u will pay some respect for crytek for tryin to do something they werent ment to (if they didnt want to theyd get fired and wed not have crysis 2 now..) and blame EA for all of this crap! if i were a publisher id give limited money but id give damn good amount of time for devs to make a game like 4 years dead line or something unlike EAs 3 years barely...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:10 am

I am well aware that EA is a bunch of crap and ruins games. But not allowing what we rightfully earn stay is an annoyance and this is a major problem IMO that should have been fixed in 1.4 or earlier. I'm not bashing their staff I'm just disappointed in the progress made so far. Hear me out here... I'll quote myself

"There are still many bugs, glitches, exploits, and hackers in this game despite all the complaints. The game isn't the disappointment, but rather those in charge of making it "work" are."

Crytek may have EA up the ass, and this is why I say the game isn't the problem, this is likely EA's greedy idea's to release a PC based game across different platforms and cock blocking further development before it should rightfully be released. Now that I give it more thought, EA is "the" problem. Look at how part of the Medal of Honor team left and formed their own game series being Call of Duty, which became much more successful... My opinion, Crytek would be better off on their own...
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:22 am

They have your money already, they have no reason to work hard for you at this point.

Thanks for buying Crysis 2!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:09 am

They have your money already, they have no reason to work hard for you at this point.

Thanks for buying Crysis 2!

Maybe but if they dont fix this game at time ... I think these people complaining will never buy again any Crytek game in the future . This is a win-lose situation for them :P
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