clearly you did not understand the movie if you think the anti american part was about greedy corporations. It was anti american because it attempted (BUT FAILED) to show how sweet and innocent the Indians were before we took their land. When in actuality the brutality of the Indian culture was worse than that of the United Stated, which the movie clearly did not show.
Also it attempted but still failed at showing the United states only invades countries for oil, in other words he attempted to show that the Iraq war was unjustified and we are only there for oil. Which is ****. Also invading countries for a resources like oil is perfectly reasonable to invade a country.
And just FYI The world runs on oil whether or not you like it.
And no crap that every story has been done before, but when it is as predictable as Avatar that is what tells me the movie svcked. I should not be able to figure out every character and there backgrounds, as well as the whole story within just 20 minutes into the movie.
People are just svckered into the "oooo" & "AHHHH" of the special effects (Which were not that great) and forget about the story. All anti American aside the movie was terrible. BTW I am not against anti American movies, for example I loved Full Metal Jacket.
And to finish, YES the way you articulate the language you were born to speak can make you opinion more valid than another. Having a knowledge of the language you are born to speak shows you have an education and tells the reader that you may know what you are talking about. Again that is an assumption to the reader but most of the time its true.
First: Anti-American? I would call it a slap in the face to all humanity. And I freeking LOVED it. That was what made Avatar so good. But yeah, it had OK effects and it had an old but still good story which was told in a new way, a quite interresting way, which helped make it a really good movie. I have jet to see a movie that gives me the same "Wow, that was a good movie" efffect as Avatar did.
Second:Oil a good reason to invade a country? Perhaps. But not after trying to get it peacefully ofcourse. And not if it is oil that the invaded country needs.
I can understand USA invading for example Norway to get oil if we start taking blood prices or refuses to sell it
But if we do that because we are in great need of that oil to ourself, the US should respect that.
Third: Yes, you are right about language
And so sorry for going offtopic. But I just can't resist the urge to answer things like this
Woah, I have something ontopic too, actually
Yes, they should have made an "real" 3D mode for C2 PC with the option to use the console 3D for low-end PCs. But they didn't, so to bad for you early adopters and stop whining : )
It could have been a slap to humanity BUT considering James Cameron is a flaming democrat he naturally hates the United States, that is why i say it was anti american. You have to understand the director to understand the point he is trying make. And the US would not invade a country for oil if that country is an ally (Such as Norway) and Norway needed it. The US has never invaded a country for oil and i do not think it will ever happen.
US has SOOO much oil we would never need to invade. Unfortunately we have environmental IDIOTS who do not want to drill for oil.
..but please don't quote me on it.