» Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:59 am
Please allow me to be also a little off topic, this I seem to have achieved for this most part of this thread any, but I will try to include some relevance Re; Ubisoft, crysis/Crytek Treyarch, and games as far as I can.
Halo has kicked off to a flying start, we even had a guy in London in full suit and jet pack flying arounf London as part of the Halo promo, Granted He didn't fly very far, or for very long, But this and similiar events did the give the game the buzz that it needed,
Codename: Kingdom has me at something of a loss, the reason being, I imagine Crytek delivered our beloved Crysis to multiplatforms as a means of promo, and to generate needed income, why then is Codename: Kingdom not going to be for PC?
Further, and I assume more so the publisher of Crysis 2, has seen fit to make the Nano Edition of Crysis 2 Available for pre-order now in a couple of selected countries only, but as far as the UK. USA, and other major counties go, Nothing, Nada, Its isnt even shown in the E.A. store, again whats that all about ?
Ubisoft, Ok they have done some great things, but can i have faith in their games when they dont support only one Splinter Cell game on windows 7, I dont mean the origional and oldest "Splinter Cell", that wouold have made more sense, the third "splinter Cell Chaos Theory" with this they simply respond with, we dont intend to patch this issue, whats that all about??
This is where I stray a little bit and mention the new anticipated C.O.D. Black Ops, we all know that some dumdo anolyst has said that, pay to play is the way, and may well be the case by year end with this game.
this being a way to generate much needed incom income.
I think that idea will deter a good number of gamer's but im sure they have done the math, however, what about the Prestige edition with its day one x bonus content, and the stunning remote controlled car as seen in game, Only Available to CONSOLE, not PC. Not eevn so much as a Limited Edition for PC as far as I can find, how to lose custom and infuence gamers, ?
How about BFBC2, great game and fun to play online while waiting for other titltes to release, but again not without dissapointment, there are Insignias, pins and achievements to be had, but the promised extra new Spectact kits DLC, are still unavailable, but they are part of the awards scheme. it just dont figure?
So while this all paints a negative picture, the reverse of your much more posative post, its the Kind of thing that has been happening since the start of gaming, and while I look forward to all the above that you have metioned, in some I cannot participate, and in other's I expect some dissapointment.
Overall, I expect to be Let Down by DLC content, Let Down By promo Issues, and Let down by relevant support, so far, this is the case, when will Devs and Publishers finally get the averahe gamer's point,
While I share your expectations mentioned, I feel pretty sure we are only due more dissapointment, in some small ways, eg, I allready know that I cant play Codename: Kingom- "marketing Gold".
Guss :-]