Crysis gets robbed by Gamespot E3 editors choice awards.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:57 am

[quote][quote]Lol, well, to tell you the truth, I am still pretty underwhelmed by Crysis 2. It just doesn't look anything like Crysis or Warhead. It is obviously totally aimed at consoles, hence why we still are not seeing any PC Video. And don't say that the trailer is PC video, its not in game. And that is what we PC players want to see. Crysis 2 in Enthusiast mode at 1900x1200. Then we can compare it to Crysis and Wars.

So far, Crytek seems to have done nothing but shoot themselves in the foot, 1) by destroying the forums! and 2) by not showing any PC video. And I would say 3) by putting the whole game into the city and 4) delivering empty promises and not telling us anything.[/quote]

i think they didnt show a pc video yet, cause the game looks so beautiful on consoles...just imagine what the pc graphics will look like when even the 360 version kicks my ass ;)

codemasters made that mistake with operation flashpoint 2: they only showed pc footage in their trailers, and i personally was very disappointed when i got my 360 version. it looked like crap!

i think u guys shouldnt be judging crytek by not showing anything from pc yet, just consider the fact that its still 7 months till be patient, i bet crytek wont let any platform down, especially the pc ;)[/quote]

PC footage has already been released. ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:21 am

Gamespot must have realized that Crytek hasn't made any REAL advances with their game engine. Ohh not to mention the fact that they falsely advertised a state of the art game engine.

State of the art game engine doesn't just encompass graphics, it also covers networking, server integrity, usability, and a few other things that Crytek failed to deliver. They have also failed to support the userbase that helped them keep the lights on. No offense but they don't even deserve to be on the list.

In essence all they have done is stripped alot of what made the engine graphics pretty so that it could be used on consoles, right clicked on the old engine files and renamed it to Cryengine 3.

Wooopty #$%^$#^ Doo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:27 am

[quote]Wooopty #$%^$#^ Doo[/quote]
Well I definitely think there is a constructive way of getting a point across that may be more effective then alienating yourself from everyone else in the thread by relaying nonsense. Please read the thread and think about what you want to contribute before echoing what has already been said a million times. Seriously, there are more mature ways of communicating.

Speaking of communications, Enfadel has created a petition for a Editor for Crysis 2 on the Consoles. As we see it there is some 6-7 months until release. That makes roughly 4 months of time if you cut out the Distribution and Raw Material Creation process. So 4 months, maybe 1 of those months will be Crytek getting through SONY and Microsoft. Having shipped more AAA Titles then fingers, I know how hard it can be sometimes for a PC company to adhere to their strict guidelines. My point however, is that given my experience with Bioware, Harmonix, and Capcom, an Editor in 3 months is surely possible.

If anyone is interested in signing the petition, please visit the link below. There is no guarantee but it is definitely a good start. My guess is that it was discussed for some time during preproduction. If the answer was maybe, it could change some minds.

@Cry-Tom - I sent you a tweet with the link at it on the new NanoSmartCasual Twitter Account. Maybe Nathan can respond to some of the constructive questions we have posed in this thread. I realize its a long read, but most of it is pretty awesome stuff.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:05 pm

Hey dude, hope your well, n thanks for the tip, saves using bottom enlarge, is quicker, been a bit busy with my o'l Mum, though things seem fine for now, next eye in six months, cool.

thanks for your comments about constuctive form, i hope the many users get a read of that as it is becoming rather tediouse with the amount of rage and such hereabouts.

Just been over and signed the petition just now now and was glad to see the ( other Method ) to sign, i get tired of finding the only way of getting to some info, is by way of Twiiter or Facebook.

I only use messenger, I have enought accounts to keep track of when you include all the many accounts in games and so on, so that was a relief to find i coiuld still sign.

Catch ya laterz n be gd lol. :-]
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:04 am

you guy's will see in other posts's that something is really starting to wear me down, no worrie's as i did sign, but you know, the vast amount of console, and noob hating that is developing amongst some of the more arrogant people on here, is just too much.

I'm taking a short break, when will they realize that such actions will only serve to ruin the communitie, take care in the meantime and see you very soon. :-)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:32 pm

I wouldn't get too bent out of shape Guss, I have figured out that this is par for the course here. The trolls walk a thin line between annoying banter and downright offensive BS. I have singled out a few. Maybe we should start a thread where we identify gamesas forum trolls. Maybe that would be walking the line also, haha. I guess I would have to name myself first. You got to admit, it would be a "compelling" thread though. And when the trolls melt down because there name is up there and start lashing out, we'll be like "See, I told you." Maybe not a good idea though.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:57 am

Nope, not a good idea :) Naming and shaming in public doesn't go down well.

We do try and keep on top of it and if/when it becomes a problem, it's dealt with. Finding them can be a somewhat difficult task at times but if it makes itself a problem, it makes itself known.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:30 am

yeah its Kirby..... GOD
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:59 am


Hi mate, n how are ya, also sorry but I cant help but get bent outa shape, and its entirely the fine line thing, where if they walked that fine line in some reasonable manner, I wouldn't give a rats ass, we do it all the time!

The point i wish to make and have tried clearly to do so, is the trolls are not realy an issue, they are dealt with as soon as reasonable time and process allows, this I am gratefull for.

It is the forum members that clearly are very unreasonable, well out of order, but also are clear masters of staying just this side of the fine line, often without even so much as a reminder that this is a community forum, and that the particular behaviour in question is unnaceptable.

I had thought wrongly that this is supposedly a politicaly correct world we live in, and that much of the behaviour I have seen would not be tolerated, just becuase its on a forum and not face on.

I would agree that it must be very hard to stay on top of some of the situations that arise as the fine line prevails, there is clear evidence that some people should be told at that time, that a comment is out of order, and will not be tolerated.

If a forum menber says something offensive, that is not identified, at that time or as soon as possible, then they will feel that they can just carry on being as offensive as they wish.

In a post by Black-Angel, who had suggested a female Nano Suit, a forum member became, sixist to an extreme, I tried to politely point this error out, but only got more rage.

Not until furhter down the post did we see Admin intervention, where Shinanigans, simply told us all to calm down, and yes by this stage I also had begun to get a little aggresive.

The member in question was at no time, told that his sixist attitude was not acceptable by Admin, so I guess from that we can be as sixist and rude as we blatently wish.

Surely that user will be of that mindset, like,
" I wasnt told I was wrong, ergo, I am right and will continue with my current behaviour,
This is the kind of situation that annoys me becuase this is a communty forum.

I do not believe in name and shame but I firmly believe that when someone is clearly well out of order, and thus turns a simple polite well put post into a nightmare, that itself should be nipped in the bud.

A simple reprimand aimed at the user in question, who has stepped well out of line, would suffice to calm matters more often than not, and whole this identifies that person as "in the wrong", then so be it if that is the case.

I dont know if we have any other Forum users acting as admin, and if Shinanigans is the only one then i appreciate its difficuilt to keep up, but the case in point is my point.

Even so far down the post, the member should have been told by ADMIN, that sixist comments will not be tolerated, unlesss of course Crytek and aadmin believe this to be accepable.

This is only one particular case, and I believe a general,
"calm down folks"
will not solve many problems, arrogance will prevail, and postering will rule, and at the end of the day the forum will be left with a few egotistical know it all types that I dont wish to be a part of.

In an instant chat that I previously hosted at times, I would have simply typed in a warning at the comments in question, and and for the most part that would resolve the issue, repeat behaviour would mean only one more warning, then BAN.

I know this forum is quite different and i do appreciate the problems, but tell the person who starts the issue/argument, that they are out of order, and this is not too hard to identify.


Please dont be offended by my response, I know its not easy, but I am simply and politely making my point for condideration and I hope it can be taken in a constructive manner.

Be well folks, :-]
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:31 pm

Hey guys,

Lots of interesting discussion going on here - perhaps you should create a thread for this topic since this is clearly way off topic here.

I can't confirm or deny anything for you at this time but i'll bring it up internally and see if we can get some news for you guys pretty soon.

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:17 pm

[quote]The member in question was at no time, told that his sixist attitude was not acceptable by Admin, so I guess from that we can be as sixist and rude as we blatently wish.[/quote]

You should be a little more trusting in our administration :) We know exactly what's going on, who's doing what, when and where. We spend a huge amount of time ensuring that this place is as clean and friendly as it can be without being overly strict.

Apologies for continuing the off-topic, Tom. Just wished to clarify that point.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:04 am


Im sorry I thought I had epressed what my intention was in a better manner, My whole point was that that thread would never have turned so sour, if the member in quetion was corrected sooner, as i had tried politely to do.

Not my place to do so but no one else had thought this to be a good idea at the time, but instead later down the thread, we all were told as you just pointed out, to leave the sixism and abuse at the dooer, this all could have been avoided in the first place.

I also accept that you have a very hard job, here, and i dont envy you, and as I said I did not wish to offend you, I merely made a pooint for consideration.

While I do trust the fine work you put in, I merely suggested a possible tweak, that may defuse mounting situations, where the root cause can be identified.

Case in fact in that very post.
Jul 12, 2010 / 10:35

This Thread is Lame.

A Female is way Weaker than a Male its a Fact of life,Deal with it.

A Female Nanosuit would be stupid and Weak,

The cause, clearly started the problem, within that harmless topic, the renmedy was directed at all the members as you point out in the link. and the culprit will still feel that his actions are ok as evryones actions were percived to be wrong.

Again, I did not wish to offend you, just to demonstrate that wich I considered to be a constructive point, and one that can apply to the many upcoming rage situations.

This thread has gone in so mnay different directions since its launch, it has been considered to be an evolving thread that has at times been quite open between some of the members, so the occasional off topic is not realy a problem.

I had hoped that you could at least have seen my point, and had a little faith and trust in a humble members voice also, just as you expect the same from me, at leats as a consideration, so again as I have offended, my appologies to you, and keep up the good work
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:02 am

I'm more than happy to take constructive feedback in regards to my moderation but you must understand that gamesas is pushing ~1000 posts per week so sometimes we do a little bit of catching up with regards to trouble makers but the end point is that it is dealt with relatively quickly.

Whilst i can appreciate your "direct moderation" request, as i said, we're not swinging ban hammers like it's the 4th of July around here. We're fair in our moderation and our level of strictness but habitual trouble makers will be and are dealt with on a regular basis. You've given one example (i'm not asking for more in this thread) of a trouble maker that submitted a poor comment once and hasn't continued to do so. If that was not the case, he would not have the ability to post right now.

Realistically speaking, some of the replies to the initial comment weren't much better. It's called "feeding the trolls" and whilst we try our best, we can't always beat them to the punch. When we do, this happens:

As long as members continue flagging inappropriate posts and don't get dragged into arguments themselves then the system should run fairly smoothly. :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:40 am


Many thanks for your response, wich is clear and precise, I hope i didnt come off as expecting the ban hammer in each case, just that some people be made aware that it was a possabilty if some trends continue.

As I pointed out before this idea and mere suggestion, seemed to serve me well in hosting the more instant chat service, the people had at least some level of respect for others opinions and I didnt often see the need to even warn so to speak.

I am very familiar with the post you linked above, though my own post count has dropped a lot, I still read as many as possible, without going to that post just now, I do believe you got my full and complete support in that matter.

I would never suggest that you ever do less than your absolute best, and you will continue to get my full support, I know it can be very difficuilt, and merely proposed an idea.

I will respect your judgement, clearly I do understand a lot of the demands placed at your feet and I know it isnt easy, given the transiton to multi platform, this I believe paints a larger picture of doing very well all things considered.

I admit to having been drawn in to the responses to a small degree in that case, for that I appologised. but it was used to demonstrate the consideration put on the table.

My thanks for hearing me out, I appreciate that, and I think we are best served by moving on from this matter now taking your input on board, with appreciation. :-)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:25 am

@Shinanigans, lmbo at that thread you posted. "Castle Crytekstein" is catchy. If they include an editor on console, that is the first map I am going to make. Maybe I'll make that map on Halo Forge 2.0 to promote Crysis 2 :) I love the 4th of July reference coming from an Australian directed at an Englishman. Classic.

@Cry-Tom, I notice a comment suggesting that threads go off topic are in danger of moderation. Please don't think shinanigans has been slacking when it comes to my thread here. About half way through this thread there might have only been 5-8 of us still keeping up and being that we exhausted every avenue of discussion pertaining to GameSpots ill dealings, we decided this would become our makeshift clan thread. Someplace we could use as a private messaging tool of sorts. Though when we started talking about the Map editor, ideas started flying that really belonged in a new thread for a more public discourse. Soooo, that is why I put this together. It is just a compilation of ideas about the editor so you would not have to wade through the thread to get. Hope it helps.

@Guss, Don't sweat the 4th of July comment, I am sure he didn't mean it that way. Look at the bright side, even though America and England "broke up" many years ago, at least we are still paying child support. ZING!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:27 am

[quote]I'm more than happy to take constructive feedback in regards to my moderation but you must understand that gamesas is pushing ~1000 posts per week so sometimes we do a little bit of catching up with regards to trouble makers but the end point is that it is dealt with relatively quickly.[/quote]

... If you need a hand ...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:55 am

[quote]... If you need a hand ...[/quote]

I think more moderaters or a "User Complaint Thread" is a good idea.
If you can't beat 'em...
Call Chuck Norris...
Get help.
[quote]@Shinanigans, lmbo at that thread you posted. "Castle Crytekstein" is catchy. If they include an editor on console, that is the first map I am going to make. Maybe I'll make that map on Halo Forge 2.0 to promote Crysis 2 :) I love the 4th of July reference coming from an Australian directed at an Englishman. Classic.[/quote]
Add me on XBL if you've got room.
I wanna compare maps when Reach comes out. :)

I'd like to use this space to advertise my amazing, fantastic Halo3 maps.
- So amazing and fantastic the creator exessively advertises!

A simple editor like Forge in Crysis2 could lift sales and increase it's life span - somthing it needs to do if it hopes to compete with the "giants" of the console game industry.

My GT is the same as this, but with one "n".
You know me - I remember you calling me awesome when were blowing up your maps. <3
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:17 am

The best mmorpg in 2011 will be guild wars 2 :D although it wasn't at e3 so it wouldn't have been an option, but it was the best at gamescon :)

Guild wars 2 is probably going to be the best true pc game of 2011 too! :D
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:42 pm

@The Comfy Chair - What do you mean by "true pc game"?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:59 am

[quote]The best mmorpg in 2011 will be guild wars 2 :D although it wasn't at e3 so it wouldn't have been an option, but it was the best at gamescon :)

Guild wars 2 is probably going to be the best true pc game of 2011 too! :D[/quote]I imagined any PC game would be a true PC game, so yea, what neo said, thats plain confusing, ???
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:56 am

[quote]@The Comfy Chair - What do you mean by "true pc game"?[/quote]

Pretty sure that The Comfy Chair means that by true PC game, that it is an exclusive and not multiplatform.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:23 am


In other news, I didn't win the free art for the first two days of the Twitter Contest but at least there is one day left. I think it was very clever to have the contest overlap the launch of Halo Reach, very clever indeed. I am a loyal fan Crytek and my Tweets prove it. Halo, however is also awesome! Kirby's Yarn Adventure still remains undetermined at this time.

@The Comfy Chair - Have you heard about Ubisoft's PC title Might & Magic: Heroes VI, the studio Black Hole Entertainment has some small Concept Art Images on their site and the other companies involved (3Mages and Puppetworks) make it sound very promising.

It is a little off topic but if you like Renaissance Fantasy maybe Crytek's Codename: Kingdom game will have plenty of Marketing Gold to get your juices flowing. I expect it to be an eye catcher in future Editor's Choice Awards.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:47 am

How about BFBC2, great game and fun to play online while waiting for other titltes to release, but again not without dissapointment, there are Insignias, pins and achievements to be had, but the promised extra new Spectact kits DLC, are still unavailable, but they are part of the awards scheme. it just dont figure?

@Guss600 I only have BFBC2 for the Xbox360 but I love the team strategy gameplay. I know for some people it is a hit and miss. The humor is ok at times but I prefer my war games to be a bit more serious. I love the destructibility. The game felt very ambitious and they took some risks. I think it overall paid off.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:59 am


Please allow me to be also a little off topic, this I seem to have achieved for this most part of this thread any, but I will try to include some relevance Re; Ubisoft, crysis/Crytek Treyarch, and games as far as I can.

Halo has kicked off to a flying start, we even had a guy in London in full suit and jet pack flying arounf London as part of the Halo promo, Granted He didn't fly very far, or for very long, But this and similiar events did the give the game the buzz that it needed,

Codename: Kingdom has me at something of a loss, the reason being, I imagine Crytek delivered our beloved Crysis to multiplatforms as a means of promo, and to generate needed income, why then is Codename: Kingdom not going to be for PC?

Further, and I assume more so the publisher of Crysis 2, has seen fit to make the Nano Edition of Crysis 2 Available for pre-order now in a couple of selected countries only, but as far as the UK. USA, and other major counties go, Nothing, Nada, Its isnt even shown in the E.A. store, again whats that all about ?

Ubisoft, Ok they have done some great things, but can i have faith in their games when they dont support only one Splinter Cell game on windows 7, I dont mean the origional and oldest "Splinter Cell", that wouold have made more sense, the third "splinter Cell Chaos Theory" with this they simply respond with, we dont intend to patch this issue, whats that all about??

This is where I stray a little bit and mention the new anticipated C.O.D. Black Ops, we all know that some dumdo anolyst has said that, pay to play is the way, and may well be the case by year end with this game.
this being a way to generate much needed incom income.

I think that idea will deter a good number of gamer's but im sure they have done the math, however, what about the Prestige edition with its day one x bonus content, and the stunning remote controlled car as seen in game, Only Available to CONSOLE, not PC. Not eevn so much as a Limited Edition for PC as far as I can find, how to lose custom and infuence gamers, ?

How about BFBC2, great game and fun to play online while waiting for other titltes to release, but again not without dissapointment, there are Insignias, pins and achievements to be had, but the promised extra new Spectact kits DLC, are still unavailable, but they are part of the awards scheme. it just dont figure?

So while this all paints a negative picture, the reverse of your much more posative post, its the Kind of thing that has been happening since the start of gaming, and while I look forward to all the above that you have metioned, in some I cannot participate, and in other's I expect some dissapointment.

Overall, I expect to be Let Down by DLC content, Let Down By promo Issues, and Let down by relevant support, so far, this is the case, when will Devs and Publishers finally get the averahe gamer's point,

While I share your expectations mentioned, I feel pretty sure we are only due more dissapointment, in some small ways, eg, I allready know that I cant play Codename: Kingom- "marketing Gold".

Guss :-]
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:46 am

I miss this Forum Thread because now I have to look all over the sight for intelligent conversation.

Remember the days of Kirby's Epic Yarns takeover?

Well I thought I would post a follow up. I bought Enfadel the Wii Game for Christmas but it happened to be the day after he gave his Wii away. I will play it instead and tell everyone how awesome it is. Stay tuned!
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