» Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:35 am
Are you even serious? OBVIOUSLY the PC version is going to look better. This has been said a gazillion bajillion times by Crytek already. Look at the screenshot in the announcement slide on the home page. The first one. Tell me, does that look like it was taken from an XBOX 360?
Truth be told? Prior to release, no one but the developers can know how the final product will play. Think back over the past few years (if you've been playing fps that long) ... several past pc titles showed a lot of promise before release; hopes were high and many were convinced they would be awesome titles, until they were installed on our pc's and the playability issues hit us hard -- miserably low framerates, choppy gameplay, watered-down graphics -- many times, the pc versions ended up being crappy console ports of those titles. I'm still not convinced (and you cannot be OBVIOUSLY convinced either) that the pc version will be playable, until (maybe) when we all play the pc demo. Maybe... Don't mean to be negative but I've seen too much crap from developers of pc games over the years to be convinced about anything at this point. Hopeful? Yes. Convinced? No way, Jose ... Time will tell.
Yes, because they would intentionally "water down" from what CryEngine 2 did, so it would look like a **** console ported version. Because you see, that makes so much sense! Hey and just to top it off, they would say the CE3 can do Global Illumination and Deferred lighting and whatnot and then, not include it at all! Actually, they would go as far as to remove the features even CE2 had. JUST TO SCREW WITH US! How dare they?! How do I know all of this? Errr...
Wait, hang on a minute... I... I guess... WAIT A SECOND!—You're just messing with my mind, aren't you?! You jerk! D:
The way you responded to my post I get the feeling I may have touched a nerve. You are having a problem admitting to yourself that the developers could actually screw us. If you have ever played other PC games before, you don't wonder about whether they would, you KNOW they can and they do screw us, fairly regularly. But then again, you may not have been playing PC games long enough to remember this. Again, as I have said before, I hope I am wrong. By the way, I'm not intentionally messing with anyone ... just passing on to this forum facts about developers that most veteran PC gamers already know and take for granted; e.g. this is not a new problem, not something I invented. What rock did you just crawl out from under?
for the 50th time, we know what MAY come of Crysis 2 for pc. We're pc gamers, we weren't born yesterday. Just have a little faith, sit back, and wait and see what happens. Time to move on to another thread, this is getting too redundant and stupid for me