» Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:22 am
You all talk about lag, but there really was none. All hit detection is console side (hence the horrible cheats), and if your client doesn't know where the enemy is, it will guess and draw them (again, this enabled the cheating). The only thing really coming from the server is the death message. Which is why when I'm at high ping and sniping, the guy I head shot still stands around for 2 seconds or so, before jerking backwards and hitting the ground. :p There really is no "lag" in Crysis like in old games where everything was server side. The problem here is that if you have high ping, you will be about 1 to 2 seconds "back in time" behind those with low ping. So the guy that your about to shoot at, probably already shot you dead 2 seconds ago. Thats why it appears he killed you with one shot. The time it took for the server to send the message to your client that you are dead. When your were actually dead about 2 seconds before that.
I wonder if C2 will be server side only ( to kill all the easy cheats ) or if they're going to use the same C1 networking (Client side).
@Talon - yeah, the laser svcked. So gimicky. It shouldn't have had any affect on dispersion. Its gimicky, COD stuff like that, that kills the game for me.