Kick system = epic fail

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:02 pm

OK, when announced, most were celebrating, others where complaining about implementing the kick system. Now... let's be realistic: in 17 times trying to kick a cheater out of the server, 0 have been succesfull, why? Well... you have explain everyone how to kick, some can't even kick, I usually see the message in the console "warning: unknown command 'vote'" so I have never seen a successful kick, again, the old "solution": leave the server. It seems that Crytek protects cheaters rather than thinking how to kick them. They are still in the leaderboards, they are threated with a 10 minutes ban [when they actually deserve permanent ban], and the implemented solution is not that simple for everyone to use it. Can't you just use it in the HUD so you can kick any cheater with strange symbols [I|||||lious, etc.)? There are even reports of admins not been able to kick some cheaters... WTF.

Really I'm **** up with so few players, lots of cheaters worse than in a free online FPS such as Wolfteam, and the worse: payed $60 for it, after a month I say it wasn't worth it, I'm just sick of the same problem and noob solutions for a payed product [not cheap by the way, I felt like if I was buying some cheap-bad game of 360].
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:29 am

Well, if you were to get a group of people and or friends on teamspeak or ventrilo you would not have this problem. I have a group of people I play with every night almost and there is always enough of us to vote kick that hacker out of the server. There is always 6-8 of us online every night and in the same game. You have to remember that communication is as important as firing a bullet or killing your enemy
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:53 am

I felt like if I was buying some cheap-bad game of 360].

That is because that is EXACTLY what you did.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:00 am

The vote kick needs to stay visible longer so some of the players with less experience can see it, and vote, if they know how.

In a game earlier today a player tried to vote out another player and several players asked what that was all about. They didn't know how to use the feature. It does keep scrolling as long as votes are being tallied, but some people don't know how to use it.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:41 am

Well, if you were to get a group of people and or friends on teamspeak or ventrilo you would not have this problem. I have a group of people I play with every night almost and there is always enough of us to vote kick that hacker out of the server. There is always 6-8 of us online every night and in the same game. You have to remember that communication is as important as firing a bullet or killing your enemy

Another fat-headed solution offered without any thought of the real world. I don't have access to teamspeak or ventrilo and I don't travel in a pack when I play C2 online. This problem has NOTHING to do with the mechanics of play, so your "communications" joke isn't pertinent beyond you slapping yourself on the arse for being SO smart.

The meat of it is that "anti-cheat" C2-style doesn't work very well for the masses.
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