When you play with default key bindings, everything works fine. For me, however, the N - nanosuit button is too far away as well as melee button so I did the following:
Nanovision - Left Alt
Melee - Left Ctrl
Push-to-talk - Right Alt (As I'm not really using it)
The problem is, when I am holding one of the movement buttons, for example W and I am going forward I can't press the Left Alt (Nanovision) because the game will stuck at W. (i.e. You will go forward by yourself, without holding the W)
Same happens to A (Left) and D (Right), for example S never had this problem or I've never turned nanovision ON while going backwards.
It's very easily reproducable for me and is mostly happening on W button synchronically pressed with rebooted Nanovision button (Left Alt for me).
I somehow learned to stop and put my fingers off the keyboard to press only nanovision (left alt) and by this way it works fine, however it's not very practical in close combat etc.
I know this is a minor issue but I would be honored to play it finally 100% fixed since the patch 1.4 fixed for me memory leak issue in multiplayer.
It's only experienced in multiplayer AFTER change of key bindings from default to my own preferences. I would like to know if it's easily fixable and if so, I would be so happy. Hopefully I described the problem somehow comprehensibly as it gets very frustrating when you need to deal with this issue while being in-game.
Thanks for any info on this subject. Peace.