Please remove Rapid Fire from C2 MP

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:59 am

Why is rapid fire in Crysis 2 Multiplayer? I just don't get why it's there?

Yes, the multiplayer is suppose to be fun, but with this specific perk, I don't think it's needed.

I fear this will become like a CoD clone than a Crysis sequel. I understand you're expecting the game to sale and have strong reviews, but stuff like this will affect the reviews and the sales.

I don't want a Call of Duty clone where everything is unbalanced, I do understand Crytek UK wants to make a fun intense game, but little things like these affect our joy of fun. How would people like it when I go invisible most of the time and use rapid fire? They won't have a fighting chance, there will be balance issues, and I can see it happening a mile away.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:50 pm

Not Call of Duty.

Your "rapid fire is OP" argument probably would be best suited to this forum:

It's invalid on this board, as this is a different game, a game which has not had it's multiplayer features exploited as of yet.
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:12 am

Not Call of Duty.

Your "rapid fire is OP" argument probably would be best suited to this forum:

It's invalid on this board, as this is a different game, a game which has not had it's multiplayer features exploited as of yet.

Umm...he said he didn′t want rapid fire in Crysis
Why would he complain about Crysis on a CoD forum?
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:33 am

Ignore Proggy, he's just a C2 fanboy. Don't you just love it when they try to tell other people that they can't have an opinion? Typical Fanboy. And forget COD. C2 MP looks like its going to be a Super COD on steroids. I'm surprised were not getting Invisible T-Rex Mutants in powered armor with full auto particle beam rifles. Though I'm sure its planned for a DLC.

But they can have it. Just give me a large map with some cover and a good sniping rifle with a mildot scope. Finger to the wind.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:42 am

Not Call of Duty.

Your "rapid fire is OP" argument probably would be best suited to this forum:

It's invalid on this board, as this is a different game, a game which has not had it's multiplayer features exploited as of yet.

Umm...he said he didn′t want rapid fire in Crysis
Why would he complain about Crysis on a CoD forum?

Don't bother feeding this troll, he's just trying to act cool and try and impress people with his irrelevant posts.

Ignore Proggy, he's just a C2 fanboy. Don't you just love it when they try to tell other people that they can't have an opinion? Typical Fanboy. And forget COD. C2 MP looks like its going to be a Super COD on steroids. I'm surprised were not getting Invisible T-Rex Mutants in powered armor with full auto particle beam rifles. Though I'm sure its planned for a DLC.

But they can have it. Just give me a large map with some cover and a good sniping rifle with a mildot scope. Finger to the wind.

He probably became a fanboy when the demo came out..

If they do have medium size maps, the perk is useless. If all of the maps were small like Skyline, then it's a problem. (Yes I do consider Skyline small)
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:28 am

I'm not a fanboy, and I can't say I've played the demo, I don't have an Xbox. I have a PS3 and a PC, and I have played the original Crysis intensively.

All I'm saying is that the game isn't out yet, and is not CoD, so you have no grounds to judge on.

Logan, you're the biggest troll I've seen on these forums. You're calling me a troll, a fanboy, and saying that I tell people they can't have an opinion? Even the fact that you're calling me a troll and a fanboy to begin with shows that you're trying to diminish the importance of my post, convincing yourself that my opinion doesn't matter. Therefore, you fit the exact profile of the person you accuse myself of being.

Seriously, I find myself privileged to play a game like Crysis 2, but you all seem to think it's some sort of natural process enacted by God. There are many people working very hard on this game, and you guys come here to criticize based on what you've seen in other games. That's not fair to the team, especially when it is apparent that you are going to buy the game anyway.

It's like, you don't have to play the game, but I'm pretty sure you don't know better than them. They know what they want in the game, and although I'm sure they appreciate community responses, thats probably only to an extent.

This thread is full of folks who have a problem biting the hand that feeds. I mean, I'm pretty sure you guys have no idea how rapid fire will actually play in the game. It's not necessary to post "Remove this because it's unbalanced" like you know better. Maybe, "This item seems of interest," and then suggest that it has led to imbalances in other franchises.

It's not like the OP didn't directly compare to CoD.

I feel like I'm a part of only a small demographic of the youth today, with any respect for the people that give us these great titles. Yeah, I can lose respect for a company quickly, but I really try to let that happen POST-RELEASE.

EDIT: To clarify, I did not believe the OP went about stating his opinion in a bad way. I suggested rephrasing because I do believe that this thread is entirely folks who already have formed a complete opinion of the game before a single finished PC screen has been released.

Not Call of Duty.

Your "rapid fire is OP" argument probably would be best suited to this forum:

It's invalid on this board, as this is a different game, a game which has not had it's multiplayer features exploited as of yet.

Umm...he said he didn′t want rapid fire in Crysis
Why would he complain about Crysis on a CoD forum?

He said he didn't want rapid fire in Crysis, but he was referring to Call of Duty's rapid fire item. This game is not Call of Duty, and will not feature Call of Duty's rapid fire in that the environment in which the game is played will have completely different assets. Rapid fire will not have the same level of importance, effectiveness, or perhaps even mechanics as CoD rapid fire. He should be asking for the item to be taken out of a Call of Duty game, as those games are the only grounds upon which he based his assumption.
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Erin S
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:19 pm

I want rapid fire taken out since its sorta unrealistic to magically have your gun shoot out more RPM's.

And yes the nanosuit doesn't mind me, but changing gun mechanics does. ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:25 pm

I first found this thread pretty funny, but thinking about it rapid fire is probably so hard to implement and balance, that I don't know why they're even bothering putting it in.

Well since we're whining about rapid fire, why not whine about not including perks at all... I never liked this "perk and upgrade trend" in shooters anyway. New games aren't very likely to top the old ones as far as competitive play goes because now they have to mess around, work out balance all these stupid perk/upgrades so that the game makes sense before even touching the real gameplay issues.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:14 am

They have so many perks, addons, killstreaks, etc, all in a tiny map, that its never going to balance. Your going to get episodes of whole sale slaughter, and thats going to turn a lot of people off. To quote Bart Simpson - "He's going for 67!".
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:34 am

There are bound to be cookie-cutter perk set ups that will emerge after the game has been out for a month or so. To be honest though the Rapid Fire perk does seem like its going to be a 'top pick' out of its tier along with Aim Enhance.

Side pack - Allows additional magazine of primary ammunition to be carried
Weapon pro - Faster Reload
Aim Enhance - Decrease weapon recoil when aiming down sights
Aim Enhance Upgrade- +Reduces flinching
Loadout Pro - Allows an additional primary weapon to be carried in place of a secondary
Rapid Fire - Faster fire rate on primary weapons
Point Fire Enhance - Reduce spread of primary when firing from the hip
Mobility Enhance - Reduce energy drain when sprinting or jumping
Retriever - Automaticly collect dog tags from fallen enemies

Side Pack, Point Fire Enhance, Loadout Pro and Retriever dont appeal to me in the slightest.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:55 pm

lol, reminds me of the time I modded the UT1 sniper rifle to shoot 700 rounds/sec. Was awesome.
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:06 am

Well first of all u havent seen all modules.Iam too against perks modules like many others but this is how modern shooters play nowdays.I prefer counterstrike and its gameplay and learning curve of a gun , learning the bullet pattern to make it more effective on burst ,controlling recoil differently in every weapon .These things have changed.Now there are perks ,modules and stuff to bring more crowd to games and make them easier on shooting a guy but you know what?If u can aim and if u played more difficult games as fas as controlling weapons then its easy to dominate.Bring me rapid fire and i will use my hip fire control perk with speed to strafe like madman and bb enemy
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