All got resetted...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:36 am

Yesterday a friend of mine was playing on my computer on his own profile (offline), which was named "Number 2". After he was gone, I played online and everything was okay. Today, I log into Crysis 2 MP and I was online with my level 36 Account Grougal. But everything got resetted! My own classes, dog tags and modules! So I thought "Maybe it has something to do with the profile", so I changed the offline profile back to mine. Then I logged in again and a message popped up. This message told me, that I got my limited edition thingies! lol! I already had them with level 5 (you know, account creation + code usage), but now, I "got 'em again", I am level 36 and have Stealth, Armor and Energy Level at 1. lol. Please fix this. ='(

EDIT : Logged out and in, I am level 5 now. -_-
2. EDIT : Relogged again, everything is okay now. =D But tell me, how can something like this happen? O:
3. EDIT : Well, Retriever is level 1 again. ._. It was level 3, fix this ...poop! D=
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Andrea P
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:10 am

Bump. :<
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Sista Sila
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:53 am

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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:53 am

Maybe you were cheating? Not accusing, just wondering, if you were banned maybe you can appeal it if you're innocent
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^~LIL B0NE5~^
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:18 am


Yesterday, i had same kind of problem after a BIG crash w/BlackScreen on boot... so i reinstalled C2.... again (& windows too for 3 f****ing hours lost).

> Just after fresh reinstall, i had lost all classes, 10k XP and... Retriever lvl3
-> disconnect, reconnect, disconnect... no changes

> I found & pasted my old saved game through the new one:
R:\Windows\Users\**YOUR ACCOUNT**\Saved Games\Crysis2

THIS ACTION BACKUPS EVERYTHING for me (classes, 10k XP, Retriever lvl3)
seems like C2 puts classes, last XP & last perk upgrade in cache, more precisely in files of "SavedGames", cache seems to be saved/uploaded by a buggy way and when C2 crashes (or not ...), SavedGames are corrupted (or not identicals between server & cache versions), you're fu**** :-)

> first result may be from main server
> second may be from my cache

Make backup of SavedGames !

in my case, i had the "chance" of reinstalling windows wich allows me to backup docs.
My SavedGame was not corrupted and main server had not be able to force my cache to its old values.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:37 am

@ M4dn3ss : No, I wasn't cheating, lol... if I didn't miss anything out, only Retriever level 3 is back to start. :<
@ A7TEK : Okay, I think I'll make some backups of SavedGames in near future... but tell me, I don't have big knowledge with these thingies, do I only have to copy the Crysis 2 Folder in SavedGames, delete the old Crysis 2 in Saved Games and move the copied Crysis 2 Folder into SavedGames?
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Cesar Gomez
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