No one look at the comment section on Crysis facebook. Theres some spoilers.
IDK if they are true or if ppl are trolling but w/e
I am so pissed right now cus I haven't played a game I loved that hasn't been spoiled for me in two years. I should just stop looking on the internet.....
Thanks for the warning. Also if you want to avoid major spoilers, avoid watching videos of it on Youtube and reading the comments. There are people who spoil on purpose. Don't know though if the one I read is true, but could very well be.
Well the one I read not only gave away a part of the plot that I was wondering about for a long time, but it also gave away an extremely important twist to it that I would have really enjoyed to find out myself. Makes me really sad
Hopefully its not true and I will be surprised with the actual plot when I play.