I am a newer player here, but had been in gaming and computers for a long time. I recently bought Crysis 2 and installed it. I asked another question a few days ago and found a nice friendly response.
I can’t believe what happened. I went to bed last night getting stoked up to try this game in the morning. My Wife goes to work early in the mornings, so she was gone for about 7 hours. I booted up to the game and I had not got to the activation input screen. I about had a hissy fit. I didn’t see it anywhere in my room. I panicked and called my “aloof” spouse (she sometimes acts if she has a demon in her). Only to find out, she threw out the box and the jewel case was in the box. She knows NOT to do this as she did it one other time. I am just seaving with anger, and just want to know is there anything I can do to get just an activation key?
If I have to make her go and buy another game, I am going to feel the whole thing is not worth it. I wonder, do I have to un-install this one 1st and install the new one? I would like to just buy one activation key and use the one I have installed. She did keep the receipt though, so that might help.
Any answers or help would be much appreciated. I am using this game not just for entertainment. I bought it to facilitate my healing do some things that happened during a surgery. It has to do with memory, and response of the brain. I don’t say this to goner any pity. I just want to recuperate from this and get back to my normal sharpness.
[Side Note: I wish they print the activation code on the DVD itself. They might be able to curb prirated software too.]