Many have already preordered Crysis 2 after seeing how awesome it is and most importantly how great it!
I think EA is quite wrong, accusing yet again PC community because something which was probably leaked by an EA/Crytek employee (on purpose or not)
I myself have already preordered Crysis 2 from EA Store, because this game is simply AWESOME!
Il just quote this guy, because what he said is damn true
[quote=EP_Prea]Crytek/EA you have noone to blame but yourselves. I guarantee the leak was from an internal employee because of all the information that is contained within it. So look to your staff first and foremost. Second, you guys have been promising a MP demo for awhile now and have yet to give us one. You keep saying we will let you know. Well thanks to your stupidty or ignorance on how much that demo can make or break the sales we now have a much better alternative. I will say this, piracy is not effecting the gaming industry. If it is why do all these systems continue to flourish when they allow piracy? Systems include PC, xbox, Xbox360, PS2, PS3, DS, DSI, Wii, GameCube, and PSP. ALl those systems have piracy and yet sales are through the rough besides PSP and Gamecube. Hell PSP is still selling and PS2 has been selling for years even after the PS3 release. Also piracy is an excuse so Corporations can justify shoddy releases, internal leaks, and bad sales as a result of buggy software, and console ports. If the PC market is truly being effected by piracy why is Valve making so much money? Why did Dice make so much money on BF:BC2? Why did Activision make so much money on Black ops? I can go on and on but the point is piracy is only an issue because you publishers sell it to the console people so you can get more consumers over on the consoles. After all the PC gaming scene is supposed to be dead, according to journalists and publishers. Piracy, and it's effect on any platform is a marketing ploy to give people more of an incentive to move to consoles. It also gives console developers more money because PC does not have one sole company running things like consoles. Thanks for the leak though, it has definitely given me a greater incentive to buy Crysis 2 as the game is phenomenal. Expect money coming your way EA/Crytek for the preorder of the limited edition once I receive my income taxes. [/quote]