Random lag is really pissing me off!!!!!!

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:15 am

I don't know if im the only one experiencing this crap but randomly i can't play crysis 2 because the game just lags like crazy. Even in f'ing single player mode. One day a latency of 50 - 60 equals a playable game with frame rates in the 70s, while the next day the same latency gives me a frame rate of 5-10 fps which i don't need to tell you is unplayable. Hell sometimes i have had latencies in the 200s with no lag. So please tell me why the **** i can only play this game when it feels like working. And no it's not my pc's specs, i built the thing and know exactly what it can and can't run which at the moment there is nothing that it can't run on full settings. I can't believe this pile of bugs you call a game got as high of a review as it got. I guess looks are everything now a days.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:56 am

i was having framerate issues in single and multiplayer and recently found out i had msi afterburner running messed up the game so now i close out afterburner and the game runs 60+ FPS always. other people said afterburner has no affect on their frames. maybe not your issue but for you it may be something simple like that. afterburner though has no affects on any other game though i run. make sure you have the latest drivers. I use 5870 crossfire. crysis 2 is one of the more tempermental games out there, until you tweak it right for your pc.
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