Stop worrying and going mad and blaming whatever you can because of this leak.
PC gamers everywhere are saying there going to buy your game regardless of the leak. Thats how much we love you!

Even on torrent websites the comments are full of people saying , everyone buy this game! . Every leaked youtube video , comments and video information say 'BUY THIS GAME'. I think deep down , Cevat knows the game is going to sell well , he may be a little annoyed and feel almost betrayed but hey , you betrayed PC gamers when you didn't release a demo.
So everyone take a chill pill. If you like the look of this game and enjoy the demo (providing we even get one) , just buy the game!. Besides multiplayer looks actually worth playing this time. Crysis 1 and warhead just gathered dust after i completed it 3-4 times and messed with the editor. Now the multiplayer looks decent , i think the game may last longer and probably sell much more if its multiplayer is actually good.
Look at BF BC2 . The game is probably selling copies to this date just because its multiplayer is good.
Ive also had enough of these 'pc gamers' saying they've taliored it to consoles and that they havnt concentraited on single player. I can bet you the SP is great , and having a good multiplayer is essential these days , as a buisness perspective and as a reputation respective.
Now my rants over. I will be preordering this on my pc
