Will there be any beta like in Crysis 1? Some thoughts...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:08 am

I've done some searching and didn't find anything conclusive so I'll just make my on thread instead.

So as the topic says will you have any closed or open beta for the game or will you just have a demo?

I really liked the idea from the first game. It was great in the beginning but as it was the first game I felt it had it flaws and wasn't really thought through since the people learned the game and its weaknesses. People tend to do just that. Personally I had some really fun times with my friends in the first beta. Later on though people started exploiting its weaknesses and the urge to play did fade.

Now its time for the second game in the series and personally I'm no big fan of "humans fighting tons of alien games". That's the only negative thing I think Crysis have had. Non aliens but a slightly futuristic game gives more fun gameplay in my eyes. I have watched some videos here and there but not given my life for the game but then you had a little leak. This really opened my eyes for the game. How it was WAY smoother and felt way better while moving and so on. The the quick binds for different suite powers. Sounds and everything felt way more modern then I've seen in a fps game to this date. The game directory tree felt very clean for being a leak so let the conspiracies fly ;)

What I'm trying to say is that since this game have become sooooo much better then the first you really have something here. Luckily there's not to many aliens in the multiplayer so this can really become a competitive game if you'd want it to. Multiplayer is what sells unless its an purely SP game. So PLEASE if you want to succeed have linux servers from the start. Really test this game with a beta and see what people do when they've figured it out. Will they sit in the bushes and camp or will they find a good spot to place a vehicle and just blow everything up all the time. What is there the players can do to not make this fun in the long run? Figure that out and you have succeeded.
That said I'm up for another beta like from the first game. Had plenty of fun there and tried to contribute as much as I could. Lot's of people were but the forums were a catastrophe at that time. That's the sad thing about an open beta. How people behave!

That's that I suppose. Over and out!
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:01 pm

tl;dr tbh and the Demo is the thing that's between the final version of the game and the alphas/betas before it. Knowing the fact that Crytek has announced officially that there WILL be a DEMO before the 25th of March, the answer to your question is: Demo.

Oh btw welcome to the community!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:20 am

Thanks. Haven't been here since the first beta. Supposed it was the same since I already had an account here.

Well you never know if they have some kind of beta phase. Though they would have to recruit unless they do a friends and family beta. Or they simple know everything themselves and think they can manage without letting outsiders help. Its kinda much job to run a beta but in my opinion the outsiders eyes are kinda good :)
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