Post-Human Warrior last mission

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:55 am

When ever i beat the last level of the Post-Human Warrior difficulty, I quit the game (because i get bored, i beat it 4 times already) Then when i got back on the game i click Campaign and on the stats it says 18/19, so i resume game, and beat it again. Then i restart, its back to 18/19. Help? Also, when looking at the weapon attachments it says i have 12/13, so whats the 13 attachment besides the pistol silencer, silencer, assault scope, reflex scope, ironsights, sniper scope, light shotgun, laser, pistol laser, extended clip, single fire, grenade attachment, and gauss attachment (i counted 13 attachments in this list, but do ironsights not count?)

In this picture i beat it the final level yet again, but look at the weapon attachments
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