» Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:55 am
ashame ,lol, if i may, ad to this you would steal a mans life for a thing of nought, that shows to me what bitterness is in you, theres only one lot stealing anything here, and its not just material things, thats shame, that which is material was for PC, is now being stolen for there console ends, your judgments is alway full of half truth and holes lacking in over all balance and measure and good understanding to a fellow man, the agenda of the latest group of gaming companies, of which out come. trying to manipulate, are they not stealing that which was not theres in the first place, so before falling sort with, make sure you are not being deceived by those things you are trying to up hold, so before you given the unerstanding and gift to judge, you do not the same, then you may with more good things even begin to even contemplate entering the place to judge others, these are companies, who's end is to steal in the first place, put it simply a tree with apples on it, two men, in the first place the apples are the trees, then one man decides to take all the apples place them in a box. lieving the other man with no apples, the other man takes a apple from the box to eat, but the unreasonable man, calls the man who took the apple from the box a theif, so who stole what from whom