Nano Reboot badly ripped off prestige.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:17 pm

I really don't understand that the hell is wrong with companies doing the COD prestige system...
How many of you like losing all your challenges and upgrades? Ah yeah EVERYONE right?

I think that Crysis 2 should have stuck with good old Battlefield rank system with lets say 50 ranks but it should take more time to get up those ranks...

I don't understand whether Crytek is reluctant to scare people with the daunting task of getting 100k XP.

The worst thing about the Reboot is the fact that it doesn't even reward you for doing the reboot! Ok you get a new insignia... BOOO YEAH! I've been waiting for that! not

The second worst thing is the fact that leveling in Crysis 2 takes longer than in COD - last four or five levels requiring 65k XP. This means that it will take you a COD prestige and a half to get one Reboot in Crysis...

I'm surprised no one thinks the Reboot system is a bit ****
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:44 pm

To be honest I do hate how meny games copy CoD but I do like the whole reboot/prestige system, it really does add more gameplay value to the game, sure people don't like lossing their challenges and upgrades, I don't. but it really adds more to the game, having a fresh start is fun, after getting used to playing with everything upgraded and then jumping into a match with everything reset really adds a scense of challenge.

I would prefer that we got more out of reboots, rather than just a new insignia, and a weapon skin, granted the weapon skins are really cool, but it's really anoying to go though a whole reboot just to get a skin for the bloody k-volt...

But anyway. I for one like the reboot/prestige system even though I strongly hate the CoD games, but we do need to be rewarded more ingame just to give us a reason to do it.
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Andy durkan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:18 am

To be honest I do hate how meny games copy CoD but I do like the whole reboot/prestige system, it really does add more gameplay value to the game, sure people don't like lossing their challenges and upgrades, I don't. but it really adds more to the game, having a fresh start is fun, after getting used to playing with everything upgraded and then jumping into a match with everything reset really adds a scense of challenge.

I would prefer that we got more out of reboots, rather than just a new insignia, and a weapon skin, granted the weapon skins are really cool, but it's really anoying to go though a whole reboot just to get a skin for the bloody k-volt...

But anyway. I for one like the reboot/prestige system even though I strongly hate the CoD games, but we do need to be rewarded more ingame just to give us a reason to do it.

I do realize that a fresh start is fun - however... The bad thing is that Crysis 2 doesn't offer anything for rebooting - except the already mentioned icon...

And the worst thing is you will still end up using SCAR Red Dot and Extended Mags because all other guns are pretty much fail
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:08 am

u also get new gun skins ! not just insignia ... :P
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:22 am

u also get new gun skins ! not just insignia ... :P

FYI you get that at LVL 50
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:09 pm

It's there for people who want it so if you don't like it, ignore it! Simple!

But to be honest, ALL LEVEL UP SYSTEMS SHOULD BE REMOVED!!! It REWARDS people who play MORE, it's NOT based on skill or ANYTHING!!!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:57 pm

I think you will be suprised with how many ppl will sacrifice everything in their rank
just to have a different insignia-RANK ICON.

Its like that small detail that matters nothing in-game
but makes a major difference in the lobby for example.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:17 am

I really do not care for the prestige system at all. If there is going to be a ranking system, I much prefer the more classic systems, like that of Battlefield, than any others. If I want a fresh start I will do that on my own, I do not want the game to force me into it as a "reward". heh
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:35 am

LOL sure crysis copied it from COD...... You do realized that the "prestige" concept has been around for AGES. There were flash games out with "prestige" before cod had it.

that being said, it is kind of annoying, but at least it is only once.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:42 am

While I haven't gotten to the rebootable level just yet, the ONLY reason I would see for rebooting from what I've seen would be to write a GameFAQs guide to multiplayer, because then you've become experienced enough to write observations on accessed material and then get the info for how much XP it is to level and how many kills you need to make certain requirements.

Otherwise I would only reboot to start fresh or if there was some kind of distinct advantage in doing so. Maybe it reduces all suit drains by a bit, maybe it allows you to take slightly less damage in armour mode, or makes stealth more effective by making you actually invisible or something. If there were multiple reboot rewards that made you slightly stronger in many different ways THAT would be an incentive to reboot!

I'll probably try my hand at writing a multiplayer guide for this game, but not for a long while yet.
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