How many of you like losing all your challenges and upgrades? Ah yeah EVERYONE right?
I think that Crysis 2 should have stuck with good old Battlefield rank system with lets say 50 ranks but it should take more time to get up those ranks...
I don't understand whether Crytek is reluctant to scare people with the daunting task of getting 100k XP.
The worst thing about the Reboot is the fact that it doesn't even reward you for doing the reboot! Ok you get a new insignia... BOOO YEAH! I've been waiting for that! not
The second worst thing is the fact that leveling in Crysis 2 takes longer than in COD - last four or five levels requiring 65k XP. This means that it will take you a COD prestige and a half to get one Reboot in Crysis...
I'm surprised no one thinks the Reboot system is a bit ****