Today I got level 39 and unlocked C4. Yeah, it's fun sometimes, but face it - It's bad. A Grenade or the JAW is way better. For C4, you basically have to camp. You have to watch your C4 place and when someone comes over, you pull the trigger and it does BOOM - 1 Kill for you. But come on. You have to camp somewhere, your C4 disappears after dieing, you're defenseless if you wait for a C4-victim. In fact, if you want to snipe, you put C4 there, where the enemy will mostly come from. So, your proximity alarm goes on, you pull the trigger and your C4 explodes, but the enemy just ran off. And I mean, he walked away. Because it takes time, till you have the trigger. Why can't it be like this :
1. Plant C4
2.a) Switch to Main Weapon
2.b) Switch to second weapon (pistol) with the trigger in the left hand, just like in CTR!
3. Have fun
C4 doesn't have advantages (despite of camping...). If you could plant it while in stealth mode - Okay. Would be nice. If you could shoot with your secondary weapon - Okay. But it's not good right now. So please, please buff it a bit. Anyone agrees with me?
Offtopic : When will we get the Multiplayer Balance Changes for PC? :<