I personally don't like the votekick system. Fortunately most people don't know how to vote, if Crytek give us an easier way to kick it will only lead to votekick abuse. I and a lot of players simply won't be able to play anymore as we will get kicked by noobs seeing hackers everywhere even if there're no evidence of cheating on killcam.
I play online everyday and i do NOT see so many obvious hackers as others like to claim. Just from time to time actually. I won't tell the same about the beginning where cheaters were almost on every game.
Aimbot is so easy to spot, if people don't know if they are aimboting on killcam then they probably aren't ! same for unlimited cloak and wallhack.
Today i was quite lucky again

I was suspected of hacking so are 4 others players in the same match, noobs can see 5 cheaters per game, that's just ridiculous, the thruth is that you can't get over 15 kills otherwise people will rage.