Crysis 2 Leak Fails To Result in Massive Downloads

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:01 pm

This leak has actually done nothing but raise the profile of crysis 2 with the PC community! They were all somewhat outraged about the leak reflecting badly on the PC so they don't download on masse, from the leaked footage and performance people have realised 'it's going to look good AND run well' and they've found out that most of what made crysis what it is - the mods and gameplay - is still there!

Although i think crytek needs to really re-evaluate their marketing team if some guys posting youtube videos of the first level causes far more interest in the game than trailers o.O
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k a t e
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:44 am

Attica, a torrent site released the info. They'll know how much each tracker has shared and that's a very accurate way of gauging torrents. There'll be some direct download users but most pirates are cheap, so they won't pay for anything :P
Have you heard of a technique called duplicating?.
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:56 am

The problem with developers and torrent sites is they seem to automatically assume that downloads of the torrent file automatically = a full download of the files in question. Reminds me of crysis 1 and how they got the numbers on piracy for that, anyone remember that they said the patches were downloaded more than the game sold, so any downloads over that number = a pirated copy? Apparently crytek have never heard of people reinstalling the game and needing the patches again after a format or something, or even taking corruopt downloads into consideration.

Looking forward to crysis 2, going to be interesting though to see how crytek address the leak. Crytek must also take a measure of responsibility for it getting into "the wild".
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:44 am

Although i think crytek needs to really re-evaluate their marketing team if some guys posting youtube videos of the first level causes far more interest in the game than trailers o.O

More to do with people listing hardware and showing how the game runs as opposed to the now usual rutine of a developer putting up a video without saying what settings and hardware the game is running on.
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des lynam
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:38 am

You're forgetting something big here, not many people have rigs that can handle Crysis 2. Trust me, this would be mass pirated if people were able to run it.
That's your opinion.

It's really not. Sure there are people that pirate games, but usually a game's torrent will stay in the single digit thousand downloads. Factor in the fact that Crysis 2 takes a beast of a machine to run it decently and you have reasonably low torrent downloads for a highly anticipated leaked game.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:46 pm

There are other ways then Torrents, maybe more people using a different route.
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