TIA - Team instant action [Team death match]
IA - Instant action [Free for all]
Ctr - Capture the relay [Capture the flag]
Exraction - There are 2 things you need to grab that give your team nanosuit bonus if you are attacking and you have to get it to the helicopter (Extraction point) The defending team tries and stop you within the time limit. (You do respawn in this )
Assault - This is the closest thing to search and destroy right now but not quite. 1 Team has to download data off of these terminals using 3 nanosuit preset classes but limited to pistol only. 1 Team defends and has 3 classes with different weapon sets.
So will we ever get a normal search and destroy with nano suits for both sides? I really want this kind of game mode as people in Assault will most likely not want to play defense because they get no nanosuit.