Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:43 am

well, there are so much complains about crysis2, i thought i post my perspective

there ara many ppl who say they arent gonna buy any crytek products, shame on crytek, nobody gonna buy any games if they make crysis 3........

i hadnt much troubles with the game, i still play it with much fun.

well i think if they release one day crysis 3 game, there will be still gamers to buy it. here, crytek has the chance to make it better. yeah there are bugs like not save unlock items/modules. mostly if i sign in, it shows that i have new items with the yellow stern, although its unlocked. yeah, i mean i heard that will support dx11 (this is one big thing im disapointed about that even i haven dx11-card), promotion code was for **** ( a thing too im disapointed a bit), weapon changing is not the best too, yeah there are few "small" things arent perfect, but at all i think its playable.

like in crysis, werent there 3 patches? other games? werent there few patches? i mean even COD had patches, need for speed,...
but too crysis: after 3 patches you are happy. crysis warhead: just one patch. i didnt play Crysis wars. but i see 5 patches. how it gone from the beginning till yet i dont know, here i have to ask u.

but at the end crytek had make 2 good games. by its crysis 2 they have bugs (which i dont care on the most of them and dont have much problems, i have my fun playing SP/MP). well may be they had problem "time presure?" i dont know what for reasons there are.
maybe they were under stress with ea, cryengine3 (graphic-engine) which made for multi-platforms made made problems with game-engine or because its a new experience for crytek with multiplatform and couldnt see exactly the difficults/troubles. i dont know, just one of many ideas. and they sure cant say us everything, just maybe lie us on few points (like others too).
they are just ppl like we all making its job, dont u make mistakes at work (parts for elektronik, cars,...)? didnt other game developers make silly games? for example
need for speed. if u ask me, undergound, underground 2, most wanted were the best games, undercover for pc wasnt perfect and tuning options were sometimes for **** especially rims. i tried out pro street and shift, dont like it. maybe i want try world but there should be extras like in carbon fireing silly effects.
command and conquer:the best story i think its tiberium story, but the new one saw on trailers i wont like it.

pc-hardware: nvidia had troubles with its 400-series but ppl now buy 500-series although more expensive then ati.
sometimes there are rams like corsair, g.skill, ocz with a failure.
i know asus mainboards make sometimes trouble with hardware. had a cheap msi 775-er board
didnt support my ocz ddr2-800mhz rams, bought evga 780i sli after that, and at the past last
month i bought msi 1155-er board.

mobile phones: think dont need to say much, everybody had buy one time a expensive but **** phone from
nokia, samsung, sony ericsson,.... i had a good nokia after that i bought a bit worse nokia but
i would buy nokia again

what i try to say:in the end every developers try to create new things and possibilitys, thats not just easy.
well crytek made a game which seems not the best for the most ppl, i would say, guys let them time try to fix the bugs and if crysis 3 one day comes out, try this one, 50€ arent the world. and the cryteks guys arent idiots, they sure read minimum a few posts and already get the complaints. even it seems they ignore us, they now if they make a "****" game again, they lose.

i hope i could give a fair comparison/statement and didnt annoy somebody. maybe we should post a new topic (again) what we want better, say what we find better in crysis and better in crysis 2, sharing in points like SP, MP, graphic, controls, gameplay... better someone of crytek help us to make new topic with prepared points so we have it easier to think what we want to say.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:42 am

I agree with this... But the problem is that people, don't understand that a good patch can't be made in a week...
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:55 pm

In short:

Crysis 2 is a mess of bugs and a piss in the face of all the Crysis PC fans...

But, wait! We must still give more money to CrEAtek for they eventually fix this sh1t and make a Crysis 3, selling us meanwhile plenty of overpriced DLC.

Not with my money, sir.
There's plenty of games better than Crysis 2, and CrEAtek has lied and scammed me one time and never more.

Yes 50€ is not much money, as you say, to invest on Battlefield 3 or whatever else game.

Farewell CrEAtek, you've lost a loyal costumer, and I'll make all I can to avoid my friends and internet acquaitances buy your games because you're a greedy bunch of ****.

SHAME ON YOU, CRYTEK. Selling DLCs when your game is broken.
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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:52 am

In short:

Crysis 2 is a mess of bugs and a piss in the face of all the Crysis PC fans...

But, wait! We must still give more money to CrEAtek for they eventually fix this sh1t and make a Crysis 3, selling us meanwhile plenty of overpriced DLC.

Not with my money, sir.
There's plenty of games better than Crysis 2, and CrEAtek has lied and scammed me one time and never more.

Yes 50€ is not much money, as you say, to invest on Battlefield 3 or whatever else game.

Farewell CrEAtek, you've lost a loyal costumer, and I'll make all I can to avoid my friends and internet acquaitances buy your games because you're a greedy bunch of ****.

SHAME ON YOU, CRYTEK. Selling DLCs when your game is broken.


Im not saying it is not fun, wouldnt play it if it was so.

But making a DLC, charging it to us ...

They do not need to make a patch in a week, but they released their last one with a mayor flaw (Orb Strike).
And they are now basically admitting to not dedicating their time to fixing the game up.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:20 am

It was a good move the free SDK, at least the things Crytek doesn't know o doesn't want to fix it could be fixed by the community.

But the paid DLCs?? That was the last slap in my face...

No CrEAtek games for me anymore.
I'm a PC gamer. PC DLC's are free or if you charge money for it add more than 4 cr4ppy maps.

Add maps, add weapons, add achievements, add perks, add killstreaks, fix bugs, AND THEN YOU CAN ASK MONEY FOR IT.

But cutting 4 maps from the original game and now try to sell us?? Do you thing we are idiots, CrEAtek?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:48 am

EA bussiness numbers according to Wikipedia

Revenue US$3.654 billion (FY 2010)
Operating income US$-706 million (FY 2010)
Net income US$-677 million (FY 2010)
Total assets US$4.646 billion (FY 2010)
Total equity US$2.729 billion (FY 2010)

Thats what its all about, feel bad about the gaming industry, it became just very bussiness oriented.
Could bite it in the ass. I bet you it doesnt, though.
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:26 pm

ups, that with dlc i didnt know:D hmmm. well that is of course a big ****. dont know what to say. who want can buy, who dont want he neednt buy. anyelse its clear they wont make much money with them.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:22 pm

I hope people realize that you NO ONE is forcing you do get the DLC and PC gamers are NOT obligated to free DLC.
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:45 pm

EA bussiness numbers according to Wikipedia

Revenue US$3.654 billion (FY 2010)
Operating income US$-706 million (FY 2010)
Net income US$-677 million (FY 2010)
Total assets US$4.646 billion (FY 2010)
Total equity US$2.729 billion (FY 2010)

Thats what its all about, feel bad about the gaming industry, it became just very bussiness oriented.
Could bite it in the ass. I bet you it doesnt, though.

It has been business oriented for a very long time. But I guess we should just play games for free and screw whoever is placing their time and effort in to making games. Its seems to me that most people don't realise how much time it takes to make a game. Its even worse when these people act the same way towards modders who are literally doing it for free.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:43 pm

Look, wouldnt be a problem to pay 10 dollars or euros for a DLC.

But their timing was spot on the s**t in the middle of the road.

They could have fixed the game and then announced the DLC.

This way, a lot of ppl feel cheated for their money.

I dont need a DLC, i like the maps so far, having fun, BUT FIX THE GAME.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:06 am

EA bussiness numbers according to Wikipedia

Revenue US$3.654 billion (FY 2010)
Operating income US$-706 million (FY 2010)
Net income US$-677 million (FY 2010)
Total assets US$4.646 billion (FY 2010)
Total equity US$2.729 billion (FY 2010)

Thats what its all about, feel bad about the gaming industry, it became just very bussiness oriented.
Could bite it in the ass. I bet you it doesnt, though.

It has been business oriented for a very long time. But I guess we should just play games for free and screw whoever is placing their time and effort in to making games. Its seems to me that most people don't realise how much time it takes to make a game. Its even worse when these people act the same way towards modders who are literally doing it for free.

Didnt say they shouldnt earn money. But things that do not work oughta be fixed, right?
Car manufacturers f**k up all the time, but they fix the problem, they do not sell you a rim package.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:22 pm

What fixes are still needed? TBH everything works relatively (lag) fine for me .
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:19 am

Also, I dont feel Crytek is responsible for this mess.
I do feel sorry for them, the pile of smeg they have to clean up for rushing the realese dates.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:47 am

The votekick is not very user friendly, you and me we can use it, but you must have experienced
the questions "how to use it?".
The Orb Strike lag is just there constantly, thats my main problem.

And when somebody votes and leaves a lobby, lag.

Dont care about DX11, but the fact that I lost some of my assessments is a bit annoying.
That said no more problems with that.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:14 am

Crysis 2 is a mess of bugs and a piss in the face of all the Crysis PC fans...

If this assumption is based on this forum community, and what people say here, then you are not even close to truth since people posting here it is single digit percentage of entire Crysis community.

Majority of C2 players can play game without any problem or with some minors flaws which almost does not impact game experience, and they enjoy game.
Real problem is this community which contain 90% whiners, and 10% people who actually have problem with game. Honestly there is no reason even to post here, since anyone who think otherwise than whiners, hater and trolls is wrong.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:50 am

Oh come on, its not like that.

Not all the threads are filled with hate posts.
OF course there is gonna be always somebody to nag, but thats not so much different from real life, no?

I am not whining,but some things do annoy me, and Id just stop playing if it was that bad.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:22 am

One word about game being good, or Crytek being good and you gonna get run over by a bichingTrollWagon. Well it's not like i like everything what Crytek did with game, or how they developed it, but in the end of the day i can't find other FPS which give me so much fun and great visual experience like Crysis 2. Someone could say play Crysis 1, well C1 sux, because to get visual aspects to C2 level, first you need to install mods, second you need to buy PC from hell. Summing up, if someone look for SiFy oriented FPS, C2 it is best way to go.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:00 pm

I hope people realize that you NO ONE is forcing you do get the DLC and PC gamers are NOT obligated to free DLC.

When a DLC is gonna make me unable to join 50% of servers, yes, I'm feeling forced to buy it.

Is that or giving up on the game.

I'd prefer not having DLC at all if it's not free. If we want maps we should wait for the free modtools.
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clelia vega
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:52 am

Give it a matter of time and people will make better maps than the ones developed by developers look at CS:S, DOD:S, Crysis, Wars, Warhead and they will make the DLC maps with different names and probably through some extra things in the mix. :D
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:47 pm

I agree with this... But the problem is that people, don't understand that a good patch can't be made in a week...

but the people also dont understand how its possible to release a seemingly unfinished pc version.

werent there testers/test gamers/beta testers involved ?

what happend.

that question and the "no comment" politics of crytek is what makes us(at least me) wondering !
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:13 am

The votekick is not very user friendly, you and me we can use it, but you must have experienced
the questions "how to use it?".
The Orb Strike lag is just there constantly, thats my main problem.

And when somebody votes and leaves a lobby, lag.

Dont care about DX11, but the fact that I lost some of my assessments is a bit annoying.
That said no more problems with that.
Votekick system svcks balls bigtime.just face it.I know how to use it,but 90% of the users either dont know how to use it or just dont care.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:41 am

One word about game being good, or Crytek being good and you gonna get run over by a bichingTrollWagon. Well it's not like i like everything what Crytek did with game, or how they developed it, but in the end of the day i can't find other FPS which give me so much fun and great visual experience like Crysis 2. Someone could say play Crysis 1, well C1 sux, because to get visual aspects to C2 level, first you need to install mods, second you need to buy PC from hell. Summing up, if someone look for SiFy oriented FPS, C2 it is best way to go.
SiFy? good god almighty.
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