Aliens Size, Variety, Etc

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:37 pm

Hey guys just wondering since crysis 1 had some pretty massive (hunter & warrior) aliens in it what do you guys think the crysis 2 aliens will be like? In crysis 1 there were only like 4 or 5 different variations of aliens so how many do you guys think will be in crysis 2? Also do you still think the aliens will have the same size and epicness to them cause i remember seeing the pinger which was decent sized but compared to the crysis 1 aliens looked like a chicken. Also seeing how this is their second fleet dont you think they would bring in some more of the heavy weapons and such? Also anyone know if its possible to ever port the aliens from crysis 1 into 2 and same thing goes for other entities like vehicles, weapons, other enemies, etc? If there was an sdk and editor in crysis 2?
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Anna S
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:53 am

Not much point in giving you an answer as i dont expect you will read it.
otherwise you would allready know the sizez s and shapes and all the info u could wish for,
its all here
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claire ley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:54 pm

Not much point in giving you an answer as i dont expect you will read it.
otherwise you would allready know the sizez s and shapes and all the info u could wish for,
its all here

could you please be more specific with here? i have seen all the aliens in youtube videos and stuff but im just wondering what else will be in the game if anyoen knows or what you guys expect or would like to see. Also really wondering if we can import stuff from crysis 1 if anyone would somehow be familiar with the technology. Anyways tyvm for the reply.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:30 am

"i have seen all the aliens in youtube videos and stuff "
If you know these things why ask? And as for your other questions the answer is obvious, no...
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:09 pm

Heavy-(ceph devastator unit)reacts to what gun you using, can dodge missiles missile launcher on one arm and a plasma needle thingy chaingun on the other arm real big and tough.

grunt- (ceph organism)the main alien soldier infantry, coverd in armour, tough, has a needle plasma gun thingy, maybe 3-4 heads larger than and average sized man.

stalker- (ceph assualt unit)smallest and most mobile, has claws on one side and a gun on the other, maybe 2 heads larger than an average sized man.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:40 pm

"i have seen all the aliens in youtube videos and stuff "
If you know these things why ask? And as for your other questions the answer is obvious, no...

Well i didnt know those were all in the game like maybe they just showed a few and there are more in later levels anyways ty for reply. To the reply right above my post thank you very much so it looks like 3 main types with the pinger. Not bad i guess then maybe a final boss thats bigger lol but w/e still pretty awsome size doesnt always matter.
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