I suppose there is a thread about this already, but i would like to have this separate, to get a better chance of getting an answer (from crytek staff).
Please look at the following trailers for crysis 2:
Please, take a special look at the "PC" and "Next Gen Ready" footage. I guess by now everyone and their grandmas know about the leak and from "what i've seen on youtube", there is quite a huge difference between this beta leak and what can be seen in those trailers. The 3rd trailer especially, looks phenomenal. Now i ask you, crytek staff, why is it that the leak looks so much weaker?
If you don't mind me taking a guess, could it be because of not wanting to make it look too good compared to consoles? Or maybe because it is just a dx9 beta? And the live game will actually look like that! Or maybe (this is the 99% probable) is it because of M$'s business strategies?
TL;DR: Will crysis 2 game have the advertised graphics in the trailers above? "PC" and "Next Gen Ready" footage!
p.s. i will happily buy even 5 copies of the game if indeed it has those graphics. But if it will be a watered down console like version, well, let's just say i will be very very sad!