Are you satisfied?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:51 am

Just a simple question.

I want to share my opinion and know yours, not open a flame thread.


Graphic: just awesome even without DX11. See the game with DX11 now for me is just a curiosity. Never saw a game even closed to this one.
Enviroment interaction: drastically reduced from the first crysis. Ok we are in new york but is a shame.
Story: spoiler!! Except prophet where are all the other characters like nomad or psycho ?? Why alcatraz did't say a word until the final scene? Really the final boss are 4 stupid occulted aliens? Never find something more easy...



The annoying bug of the intro music is still there.
Cheaters are everywhere.
My xp is always saved incorrectly.
The equipment and the modules sometimes saves sometimes not (after a change).
In some maps respawn = new death.

I refuse to play a game that is a beta. I'm a client not a beta-tester. I also refuse to spend money in the incoming DLC.


I'm not satisfied. In many ways the game is not complete or is just careless (in others too much care).
I don't want my money back, just want the game I bought.
It could be a masterpiece but in fact it is not.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:24 am

Nothing more to add from me actually. You are entirely right, the game has so much potential that is just not used. Way worse than Crysis and Crysis Warhead.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:52 am

Im definatly not satisfied, im a long time crysis fan and this was just a let down, i agree completely,

it wouldnt even have been so bad if we didnt expect so highly of crytek, who had a reputation for good games, we expected better from them, and to add insult to injury they literally s.h.i.t on the pc community, a community that made this game possible, a community that made crytek money, a community that was the only fan base, think about it, how many people spend hundreds of $ and £ to run crysis games, and money on the games themselves and they treat us like this, a broken game, few patches, it could have been so much more than this...

i doubt i'll buy another crysis game again, which is very disapointing, i loved crysis to bits, but you just had to crap all over the comunity that made you...
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:24 pm

Just a simple question.
Graphic: just awesome even without DX11. See the game with DX11 now for me is just a curiosity. Never saw a game even closed to this one.

You've obviously never played Crysis 1 with or without graphics mods.
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:50 pm

I am very satified with this game. Ive been lucky enough to have never experienced any major issues in my multiplayer experience. NEVER. There can be no doubt that this game is great. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

However, with the amount of people suffering from various problems (disconnects, cannot login, xp/achievements not saved) there is no doubt that this game was rushed. Crytek should have released the game a few months later while developing a proper anti-cheat system and testing the game for bugs and other software issues. I think most people would agree that without any issues, the game would be great.

I've never played Crysis 1 or Crysis Wars so I cannot compare it to Crysis 2. What's left is for Crytek to learn from their mistakes so that future Crysis titles would not be ruined by so many issues and bugs which would have been fixed had they used more time to develop the game properly. I am also rather disspointed that Crytek took the Activision direction of DLC's and made a measly 4 maps for a high price of $10. Very dissapointing. If it were say 8 maps and a few extra weapons then $10 wouldn't be a problem.

Learn from these mistakes Crytek. Or else you will have very little future customers.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:58 am

I do like to play the game, multiplayer and single player, it is fun. But I am not completely satisfied with it yet. The blur and excessive lighting need to be fixed and DX11 needs to be patched in. and we need an advanced graphics menu to control AA and settings. So when these things are done and DX11 improves the graphics then i will be satisfied, but something tells me it may be too much to ask, i hope not.
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:56 am

From when i still played the game (can't do so as much because of exams coming soon :P) Crysis 2 was pretty sweet.

Singleplayer story was long IMO, or maybe it's because I svck on Normal mode and I keep getting fukked up bigtime everytime.

Multiplayer-wise, I wished that Crysis 2 had a faster connection-to-server (don't confuse for CONNECTION SPEED of my PC, lag wasn't a problem either!) like it was for Halo CE and COD4. Once you pressed join server, you were in the game in a matter of seconds, unlike the system used in Crysis 2 today.

Otherwise apart from the bugs that OP mentioned, I'm also lovin' the multiplayer!
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:33 am

I agree. This game is 100% unfinished. Crytek shouldn't have let EA get its grubby hands in on the development and production of this game. This is just an underhanded money grab. When Crytek allowed Ubisoft to develop Far Cry 2, that was a complete disaster, and Crysis 2 is a continuation of that trend. (Ubisoft pumped out NUMEROUS half@$$ed xbox adaptations and "minisequals" of Far Cry, and introduced a completely rubbish full sequal) I will not purchase Crysis 3 or any other title Crytek releases without LOTS of evidence that the game is complete and worth my $60. In this game we see subpar graphics, physics, multiplayer, stability, anticheat, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,. Shame on you Crytek, you're just the next EA; I really thought Crytek might stick with its roots, but that is obviously not the case.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:18 am

I am satisfied, but I think this game could be better. But still, I like it. :) Sniping is fuuuuuun.~
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:20 am

Satisfied with overall SP gameplay. but for once completing
NOT satisfied with stupid game story for little kids
NOT satisfied with absent of main heroes of Crysis. Alcatraz is just empty spot of the game
NOT satisfied with console-orienting
NOT satisfied with MP bugs, maps size, 16 players quantity limitation, hackers, spawn system
NOT satisfied with fake 3D support
TERRIBLY NOT satisfied with trying to have another 10 bucks for beta-stage game
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